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Seeming oblivious to the tension in he room, the girl shook my hand enthusiastically."Hi! My name's Renesmee, but you can call me Nessie! What's your name?"

I looked over her shoulder at the coven she was with. They watched us with anxious eyes, seeming ready to spring at any moment. I looked back atr Ashlynne."Make her hear us." I said mentally. Ashlynne nodded and extended her telepathy out towards Nessie. Immediately, the two other blond males hissed, infuriated. I fought against a smile. At least I knew who had powers.

With Ashlynne covering Ness, they wouldn't work on her anymore.Mentally, I called out,"Nessie?" Her face lit up. "Wow, that's so cool! It's almost like my power!" I wondered what her power was, but decided that it wasn't the most important question. "Nessie, is this your coven?" I asked her.

She looked at me, suddenly serious. "This is my family." I nodded, easily accepting this. I mean, that's what me Ash and Chris are. I addressed Chris and Ash, thought I knew Nessie could still hear us. "If they are a family, maybe they can find enough sympathy to let us walk away. "Nessie looked between us. then, she turned to her family, frowning at the two angered men.

Finally, one man spoke. "I can't hear your thoughts and Jasper can't feel your emotions." "Wow, that's new." thought Ash. Renesmee spoke to the group, "Why are you being so mean to them?" A blonde woman stepped forward. She looked at my siblings and I sadly. "Ness, honey, their immortal children, not hybrids like you. They're... there're dangerous. "

Nessie glanced back at us. Then, looking back towards her cover, er, family, she asked determinedly,"Then why haven't they attacked me? "The coven looked confused. Then, finally, the older man, Carlisle, spoke up. "You are not a full human, Renesmee. Perhaps they are not compelled towards your blood." Renesmee looked back and forth between her family and us. "Their eyes are gold. "she told them. "Then let us be happy they did not come across any humans before they reached us."

Carlisle said, stepping towards us. Nessie looked back at us sadly, then stepped away. Realizing she was no longer defending us, I screamed, "Nessie, wait!" She jumped slightly then made eye contact with me. "We aren't dangerous!"I started showing her images.

My sister and I sparing the pregnant woman and her husband, hunting animals, walking past people in the street, Chris playing with the other boy at the park. "We're not dangerous." I said again. "None of us have ever hurt a human and we never, ever will!!!"

Nessie looked at me in awe, a new spark of determination in her eyes. "Grandpa, stop!" she yelled. She ran up to him and put her hand up to his cheek. They stared straight in to each other's eyes for a few moments. "Well, this family is, um... close." Ash mentally told me, uncertainly. Nessie went around the group, doing the exact same thing to everyone. Chris tugged on my shirt, staring up at me with a million questions written across his face. I simply smiled at him, knowing I didn't have the answers to his questions.

Renesmee had gone to all of them by now, and they were all staring at us. I stiffened as Carlisle stepped forward again. He opened his mouth, and I crouched, preparing for him to order his coven to attack. I growled under my breath.

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