Chapter 21

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The trip to the Hyuga corp building did not play out like Hinata planned. The last thing she had been expecting, apparently happened. 

The majority of her coworkers, whom she had been working side by side with for over a year, but hardly ever speaking to because of an incident of someone telling her, when she first started, that she was being gossiped about, made Hinata keep her distance from everyone. 

But today, everyone had seemed genuine in their concern for her. The whole situation confused her. 

Temari and Ino also wanted to speak with her. The gist of their conversation had been the two blondes informing her, that the atmosphere of the Hyuga corporation had been turned upside down in her absence. In the upheaval that ensued after Hinata disappeared for two days, not only was her reputation walking a tight rope now but the infamous pinkette of the team, was searching for her. 

Hinata wasn't sure what to do now. 

It felt like her problems kept multiplying. 

She hadn't forgotten about the CEO who injured her nor had she forgotten about the mess that she and Naruto were dealing with, in trying to progress their development of project. Now the main team she worked in, that is the foundation her family's company, was not running smoothly. 

Even though it has been years since the company has experienced any major setbacks, why are things coming down all at once?  If I was truly just a replaceable employee, then why are things falling apart after I left for two days?

Hinata understood that she was supposed to become the heiress of the company, even though it would be in name only. While Neji would be working behind the scenes to maintain the major parts of running the whole company. 

The whole future situation disgusted her. They were both pawns in her fathers hands and she hated that feeling. It was time she stepped up and made choices for her own life.

Hinata was aware that the only thing that disrupted the silence between her and her temporary driver, during their entire journey, was his phone ringing. And from what she gathered, it was Naruto who called. 

She wasn't sure what Kiba had been thinking the whole time but he had seemed amiable enough when he picked her up. Now he just seemed tense.

Hinata wondered if something and made him change in demeanor but if she decided not to linger on worrying about it. And since he hadn't said anything to her first, he probably didn't want to be disturbed while driving either. 

It was a few minutes later that they pulled into a parking garage next to the familiar skyscraper of the Minato Architecture offices. Hinata began to wonder if she was going to be escorted by Kiba to Naruto's office or if she should just go there by herself. Either way, she wanted to at least thank him for his help of being her driver. 

Kiba pulled the car into an empty spot and parked it. 

Hinata then chose to speak up. 

"U-Umm...thank y-you for driving m-me today. I r-really appreciate it. Even if i-its just y-your job." Hinata smiled a little. 

"S-Should I umm...j-just head up to N-Naruto's office by m-myslef? O-Or do you need t-to come with m-me?"

Kiba turned and faced her for the first time since picking her up at the apartment. 

"Miss Hinata. It was my pleasure to be your chauffeur today. And it would be my pleasure to escort you all the way. If you would like of course."

"Oh! Y-yes that would b-be great. Th-Thank you!" She grinned at the young man. 

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