Chapter Twenty Four

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Allison's Point of View.

On Harry's signal, I threw the two energy balls toward Bellatrix and Lucuous, while the others got out their wands and tried to stun the Death Eaters that had surrounded them. 

We rush off in different directions and shot spells at any Death Eater that tried to stop us. I went off with Harry to protect him and the Prophecy. 

Soon we all meet up in the middle and we all watch as Death Eaters fly towards. Just as I was about to step forward Ginny bet me to it. ''Reducto!''

I feel my eyes widen when the force of the spell caused many of the Prophecies to start falling to the ground. I move forward, grabbing Ginny's hand before pulling her along with the rest of the group as Harry leads us to the door. 

He opens in and falls through, but before we could stop we all fell through. We all scream as we fall to the ground but we are surprised when we stop an inch above the ground. I grunt as I slam into the ground in force before getting myself up and helping Ginny and Luna. 

''Is everyone okay?'' I ask everyone. Everyone replies back to me except for Harry, I turn around and see him looking at the archway inching closer and closer to it. ''Harry?'' I call out to him walking forward. 

''Do you hear them?'' Harry asks me pointing towards the archway. I look at him before looking at the archway before I begin to hear voices coming from the middle. 

''There's nothing there Harry, Allison,'' I hear Hermione call out to us. ''I hear them too,'' Luna nods her head walking forward till she was next to me. 

''We should go,'' Hermione speaks up. ''We got the Prophecy,'' Hermione was interrupted by Harry turning around and pulling me into his side by the waist. ''Get behind us,'' Harry calls out to them urgently.

They all do as they are told and soon enough we all bend down as clouds of black soon start flying around us. Harry keeps me tucked under his arm with the Prophecy protecting me as we get close to the ground.

Once it stopped we stood up and looked around. I saw Death Eaters holding my brother and each of our friends. ''Now did you honestly believe, or are you just really naive to think that you and your friends could stand against us?'' Lucious asks amused. 

''Allison could have if she wasn't too busy protecting you. You all hold her back,'' Lucious glares at everyone. before looking at me. ''With the Dark Lord, you will achieve great things, reach a level of power that no one has seen since Merlin and Riveriona Vixen Coven,''  Lucious tells me. 

''I'll make this simple for you Potter, give me the Prophecy, or your friends die,'' Lucious threatens looking back at Harry. ''Don't give it to him Harry,'' Neville calls out before a knife was put to his throat by the one who was holding him. Bellatrix.

Just as Harry was about to hand over the Prophecy there was a flash of white. I smile when I see who stood behind Lucious. Curious to see what made me so happy Lucious turns around. ''Get away from my niece and godson,'' Sirius glares at Lucius before punching him. 

Chaos ensues, the Order appears and spells are being shot everywhere. ''Allison, cover us while we get your friends to cover,'' Tonks calls out to me. I nod my head. 

I throw spell after spell to any Death Eaters targeting Tonks as she gets my brother and friends to a boulder that gives them cover. '''Avada Kedavra,!''

I turn around too late and watch as the spell hits Sirius in the chest. I watch shocked as Sirius falls through the arch and I don't register anything. 

Third Person's Point of View.

The Order, Hermione, Ron and the rest of their friends watch as Harry runs after Bellatrix before they look at Allison. They were shocked at the sight. 

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