Alone, I cannot be

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Episode four; Alone, I cannot be

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Episode four; Alone, I cannot be

Emily sat underneath her favourite tree. Her brown hair tied up as she wore her white dress with blue patterns on it, reading her book, trying to get her mind off of Y/n who hasn't even replied to any of her poems, the only letter she got from a Gilbert sister, was from Sue, and the letter said Emily leave Y/n alone and give her space. Then that was it. Emily still sent Y/n poems regardless.

"In the name of the Bee - And of the Butterfly - And of the Breeze - Amen!" Emily the necklace that hung from her neck only had one ring on it which was, Y/n's one. Her ring was on her left hand on the ring finger.

Emily takes a deep breath and relax as the breeze slowly stocks her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled to herself at the sound of the birds chirping.

Emily for a moment...just a moment, forgot Y/n wasn't there with her as she normally was. She looked to her right where Y/n usually sat writing or reading or drawing, Y/n would normally sneak glance at Emily as she drew. She missed it....she missed her...her thoughts were ruined by someone's voice..

"Found you." George said as he walks towards Emily. "Please go away." Emily stated

"But I just got here." George said as he sat down "I'm trying to be alone." Emily said George inhaled his cigarette, "Want a drag? "Fine." Emily took the cigarette "What you reading?" He asked

"Walden. By Thoreau. Have you read it?" Emily asked

"I couldn't get through it." "I think it's incredible. A life of absolute solitude, alone in nature. I want to live like that." Emily sighed "Why?"

"Because. The wilderness is... honest. Trustworthy. Whereas all other people do is hurt you." She said slowly "Tell me who hurt you." Emily turned to George "Y/n."

"Oh.You're still upset about her moving to Boston?" George said "I don't wanna talk about it. Sue wrote Austin a letter and Y/n still hasn't written me back." "Hey, you guys will make up." He tried to be optimistic

"George, if you don't mind, I just need some space right now. I need to be with my tree." Emily sighed as she relax again "Looks like I'm not the only one disturbing your solitude." Emily and George looked towards people carrying stuff "..we've got the conditional line coming right through here." A man said as he pointed to the route the train would go.

"What are they doing here?" Emily said annoyed "They must be surveyors. For the railroad. Construction starts tomorrow, you know." George said, Emily shut her book roughly, as she frowned. "Of course I know that, but they can't build the railroad in our woods. This is private property." She said annoyed, "Maybe your dad gave them permission." George suggested.


Emily bursted in her the house "Dad. You can't do this." Emily said, Her dad and Ithamar in the room looked up at the girl that had stormed inside the room "Excuse me? Do what?" He asked confused "You can't let them tear down our woods." Emily stated, she held her book close to her chest. Mr Dickinson stood up straight and took off his glasses, "is this any way to enter my office? Whatever happened to a knock?" Her father stated and moved his hand around. "I'm sorry, but this is an emergency.....they are out there right now, getting started.."

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