I'll break every rule I'll bend them all out of shape

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In the morning (outfit 45)Jake came to get Bella it was his turn to watch over Bella for the day the rest of the family had to hunt or at the very least get something to eat. Bella told us not to rush that we needed time to eat and take care of ourselves and knew she was safe with our friend. And we knew that too. Jess was even going with them for extra support. But of course I felt like a 5th wheel once the other 4 were kissing each other good morning. Some night hm? Jake asked the 3 of us. What were you girls up to last night? Edward questioned. Nothing we quickly said in sync. Yeah I'm so convinced. Edward rolled his eyes. You really didn't miss anything. Now why don't I believe you? He asked. I'm offended Jake replied in mock hurt his hand on the opposite side of his heart. Jess moved it whiled Edward rolled his eyes and Bella and I snickered. Yeah now I'm really convinced. Edward told him. All teasing aside you really didn't miss anything actually it was kind of boring. Nothing out of the usual happening. Just a normal sleepover. Oh normal? Well then in that case I still don't believe you. What do you mean by normal?

Oh you know talking about school and college and graduation talking about how Jade and Bella never really had ever had a sleepover before Jess and Angela reminiscing their old ones gossip laughter. A spell that hit me out of the window. After they all calmed down they asked me to come up and protect them in there. We shut said window they insisted I be in wolf form we all cuddled on the floor as they laid on me. See normal sleepover nothing of interest I told you you didn't miss anything. I'm serious. If you don't believe me Jess can do a spell and show you. Hey you're my brother I'm just messing you he ruffled his hair. On a more serious note more or less where are the rest of your clothes? You know how many shirts I lose when I transform? I lose so many clothes that way. This is just easier. On who? We all asked in sync with smirks on our faces. All probably thinking the same thing. Am I taking her or not? Fine we'll see ya guys tomorrow. What why? Bella asks. Because today we can do whatever the two of you want.... Let me change that whatever you want with in reason but I am taking you to a party tonight.

The night came Jake took Bella to the council meeting that night at his house and put a hoodie on over him as the other guys waited with his dad by the fire waiting for him to get there so they could start. He told her how his father felt she should hear the story of their tribe and since Jessica was his current girlfriend they let her listen to the stories too. To some of us Sam spoke up while Billy rolled his eyes as signal that he knew where Sam was going with this. Our story is a reminder of who ARE and who and what we are NOT. Sam! Billy cut him off a tone of warning that he didn't want anyone fighting especially not on a night like tonight. Naturally Sam knew better and dropped it. As the story came to an end Billy spoke of the only enemy they had left aka the cold ones those they held a truce with. How they hadn't had outsiders till Genevieve came along. Not till Jacob's mom he reminds them. She saw the good in everyone. Made sure we were civil with one another. Her presence alone was able to keep the wolves calm. The all knew what happened next. How they took me in thanks to an anonymous tip to come get me how Aro came and kidnapped me back. Even Leah and Seth know what happened next they knew this part of this story everyone did.

How Aro killed his wife and paralyzed him. How Jessica's mom came and healed him best she could and gave him the wheelchair. Aro took both Gen and Farrah away. He kidnapped her again but now thanks to the Cullen's Farrah now Jade once again just like she was in her past is back at our side once again. And could not be more grateful. Those coming days of losing my wife and Jake's mother they were hard on all of us especially for my son. I remember it like it was yesterday how he was in a bad place missing his mother he'd gone into the forest it was dark and rainy and he ran away and he was all alone. We couldn't find him anywhere but thank G-D someone did. Someone heard we were looking for him heard us call out his name came to his side when he needed someone the most. Like mother like son and mostly being raised by his mother up to that point. She taught him to love all kinds of creatures not to judge by who or what they were but by their character. Jacob was just a little kid and when he needed someone that someone came. I had no idea where he had been we had all been worried sick. I was surprised to say the least but grateful when I saw that my son was not only more than ok but that he was happy. Happy during a dark time in his life. And what creature do we have to thank for this for bringing him back to us safe and sound? By none other the one he calls his best friend and had been once before in their past life. Edward did good by us even after knowing exactly what Jacob was. I let him cross over to the other side so I could fully thank him for what he had done even if it had been against my better judgement but I know what Gen would've wanted. Edward knew there could've been consequences in doing what he had done had no intention of sticking around but he let Jacob decide that for himself.

Forever a mystery part 4: We'll get her back for youWhere stories live. Discover now