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- Stay or go -

Jungkook walks back and forth in his bedroom, in stress. His face is stern, his hand holds his chin as he's in his deep thoughts.

For hours he has been locking himself in his room, to have time alone to think carefully of what Hoseok has said to him yesterday.

By returning back to his timeline, he won't have to be stressed by the changes here and will live normally like he is supposed to.

However, there's another problem. It's what Jimin has said.

"She will be mine..."

If he leaves, then he will go alone. He won't be with y/n ever again the following days. Plus, the thought of y/n with another man, moving on from as if he doesn't exist anymore, just makes it worse for him to decide.

- He's in another dilemma. The same one where he's choosing whether to be home again... Or to stay with her -

Meanwhile, in another room, there's y/n, sitting on her bed. Just like Jungkook, she's also in her deepest thoughts. She left the curtain closed, not wanting any brightness hovering the sadness she's having.

"We are too different... I realized that... He lives in a world where success takes effort... There are no short cut to anything... They work hard, it's not easy to afford everything...

While our world... Everything is just on the tip of the finger... Jungkook is right, we've become lazy people... We get what we want easily... We get things our way even if it means doing bad things..."

Her negative thoughts start clouding her mind, eating her up with turmendos guilt.

"We are indeed too different... If I were in Jungkook's place, going back in time and living there, I bet I'll be in culture shock as well... I'll be the one really nagging around about the tough work..."

"Tch who am I kidding? I might not even survive there..."

"Why the long face...??"

She jumps from her bed and looks at her side to see Hoseok sitting right beside her with a smile.

"Hoseok..." She frowns. "Knock before you come into a girl's room."

Just as she said that, Hoseok out of nowhere disappears from her sight.


She looks around the room and hears a knock on the door.

"What the..."

She sighs and stands up, opening the door to see Hoseok standing.

"Okay, you've learned your lesson."

"Now why so gloomy hmm?? You were hugging your knees."

Her gaze drops down.

"I just realized how different both of us are..."

"You mean you and Jungkook??"

She nods, rubbing her arm. "I get why he's mad about everything... He's not particularly wrong..."

"Don't take the blame y/n... Sure he was right about half of it, but that doesn't mean technically everything is wrong in this world. He just yet to adapt into this new life..."

"Don't say those things, it's just going to make me feel better about this life..."

"Slowly everything is just collapsing... In my eyes, the world is slowly crushing into pieces... We have so many problems here and Jungkook has yet to reach that point. What would he think if he were to know all the current issues here...?? I'm already speechless to even talk about this..."

"The world is not good anymore..."

"Y/n-shii..." Hoseok softly calls to her, worried about seeing her sad face.

"I think you're right... Maybe... Maybe he..."

Her heart aches everytime she tries to finish her sentence, as if it's stopping her from doing so... She can't finish her sentence, it's too hurtful to say it.

"He's better off living in his world..."

"Y/n-shii, you told me I have learned my lesson about barging into your room correct??" Hoseok suddenly asked and y/n looks at him confusedly. Nevertheless, she just nods.

"I've learned. I can learned. That means he can as well."

"No one can naturally adapt to something new in life, especially to something that is contradict to their culture and belief. But they can learn to engage to it."

"Jungkook might be stressed and nagging all about the changes here, but he can learned to like it. Life is about managing your life to the situation right??"

Y/n slowly takes Hoseok's words in her mind. She suddenly felt the weight in her heart was lifted up.

"Wow Hoseok... You're already cool with magic. I didn't expect for you to be cooler than that..."

"People will fall for you." She said with a chuckle and both of them laughs.

"Don't say that loudly. Someone might get jealous."

"What? It's not like I'm falling in love with you about it." She said casually, while Hoseok just remembered the incident back in y/n's past life with her partner.... Hobi.

"Y/n, I hope you can help Jungkook. He's aline in this world, he's lost that's why he's stressed."

He's right. If y/n can put it in a picture, Jungkook is in the middle of a darkness, with only one light shining above him. He's lost, not knowing where to go, that's why he screams all around. He doesn't what to do or where to go. The only option is to yell his lungs out for any possible answer for him.

If he wants to be saved from that darkness, he needs to get out. But doing it immediately won't be easy. He needs someone to help, and guide him on how to take a step out of the darkness.

He can't simply went out and walks the path without knowing where he's going. And it's not easy to manage life like that. It takes effort.

"Jungkook... I have to help you..."

Finally, Hoseok snaps his finger and y/n feels her consciousness dies out. Her body collapsed and Hoseok caught her in time and brought her to bed.

"Stress is not good... Have a good sleep..."

He made another magic to let her have a nice dream before heading towards the Jungkook's room to see him already on his bed, snoring ever so loudly after all of brain squeezing.

"These two... They have so many things to learn about each other before going through this dating phrase..."

"Your highness, I can easily use magic to make you instantly immune to this world, but I can't... I don't want to... For I want you to learn... Slowly and gradually... As y/n has said in her mind just now..."

"It takes effort."


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