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- We -

Hoseok nods. "We as in..."





"Why am I here??" Jimin asked, obviously is displeased with the idea created by Hoseok. Taehyung is also with him, as he is also a part of this mission.

"Because we want Jungkook to learn that this world isn't so bad!" Hoseok said brightly, spreading his arms wide.

"And so what about that?? It's his choice to like it or not. It's the reality." - Jimin.

"True." Hoseok nods. "Then he will leave."

"Like I care." Jimin scoffs and Taehyung nudges his arms.

"Jimin, why're you being so bitter with Jungkook??" Taehyung asked with a big frown. Jimin squirms and rolls his eyes.

"He's our member for God sake!" Taehyung adds and that's when y/n diverts her eyes towards the other guys sitting accross her.

"Ummm..." She finally speaks up, interjecting the conversation. "Can you explain to me why you dragged other people into this mess Hoseok??" She implies the members of BTS, aka Jungkook's hyungs.

"Aaah. This is the BTS members. Of course I have to drag them along because we need Jungkook to not leave the group. We have known Jungkook for as long as we can remember, thus it's necessary for them to be here to help us in convincing Jungkook to not leave this world."

"But they don't know anything about Jungkook being the past lost prince!!" She harshly pulls Hoseok closer and whispers angrily at him.

"Actually they do." Hoseok said and y/n is left frozen. "What?" She releases him and looks at the three men in front of her.

"You guys... Know about Jungkook??"

"They focused on their history unlike you y/n. Of course they would've recognized the Prince Jungkook from the past." Hoseok whispers in tease and y/n steps on his foot under the table hard.

She clears her throat. "Are you guys alright in being dragged into this problem??" She worried if they're busy since they're successful group idols.

"Of course. We need Jungkookie as well. Not because he's just a member of BTS, but because he's also our brother." Kim Seokjin said.

"We all understand his struggle here. We care for him as much as you do, y/n-shii" Namjoon continues.

"We share a bond that no one can ever understand. We want to help him as well." And Yoongi ends the sentence, making y/n's heart melts at the bond these guys have. Indeed, they're really admirable for their immense friendship. Everyone envy them.

"Okay..." She said lowly, forming a small smile.

"Also, because Hoseok wants his ship to sail" Yoongi added and y/n's eyes widen. "Hyung! No need to expose me!!" Hoseok got upset and whines at Yoongi. Y/n just stares at Hoseok and she laughs.

"You ship us??"

"Fuuh who doesn't psh!!" Hoseok said sassily and sits back down on his seat. Silence took over and another thing caught y/n's attention.

"The place is oddly... Empty." She looks around the restaurant and realizes that they're the only people here.

"Oh I booked this place." Taehyung said. "Because we can't simply be in public. Fans will go crazy."

Y/n nods, remembering what happened to Jungkook with his fans the other day.

"Poor Jungkook got mobbed by fans..." Jin takes the word out of y/n's mouth.

"Guys we need to stop feeling sad about this and think of a solution." Hoseok said, placing his hands on the table.

"Hoseok is right. We can't just sulk and do nothing." Namjoon agrees.

"But what can we do??" Y/n asked. They all look down, in their thoughts. Y/n also starts thinking of a way. Since now, the members of BTS are involved, then...

"You said he loves his career right??" She stated as an idea comes.

"You can say he's head over heels about this." Jin said.

"We can see his enthusiasm and happiness whenever he starts singing, performing and see Army's." Taehyung adds.

"Also, he's a very hardworking person. He will never miss a day to improve himself. He doesn't show it but we can see his effort and sincerity in doing everything for Army's." Yoongi said with a smile.

"He's also very caring and supportive during practice sometimes..." Jimin who has been quiet the whole time finally voice out lowly and everyone turns to him as he looks away with red cheeks.

"Ayyyy so you DO care about him~" Hoseok teases and Jimin throws his hand at him. Thankfully Hoseok manages to dodge it.

"Shut up!" Jimin yelled, embarrassed and everyone laughs at him.

"Then... I have an idea..."

After their laughter dies down, y/n speaks with a small smile.

"What is it??" Namjoon asked.

"You guys should take him with you." She said, going as bold as possible to make things clear.

"Huh??" Jin muttered, confused.

"She meant taking Jungkook with us, letting him with us in our dorm." Y/n nods at Yoongi.

"But why is that?? How's moving Jungkook to the dorm will help him??" Taehyung asked.

"So he can focus more on his career." Y/n said.

She knew, even after Jungkook debuted as an idol, he still frequently visited her, even decided to just live under her roof instead of the dorm.

Jungkook much prefers to spend his time with y/n and she understands that. Also, staying at the dorm means he will cut all connections with her, since he will be very busy. That's why he doesn't want that.

However, with the situation they're facing, the problem will be worse if they stay together.

Also, since she knows how much Jungkook loves his career, that's the only thing that might be halting him from making the decision to return back to his timeline.

Besides, imagine all the opportunity he will see if he focuses more on his career, seeing the world, seeing all of the fans, and enjoying his life to the fullest as an idol, his dream.

She's and obstacle for him. That's why it's better to move him to the dorm, and let the BTS members take care of him instead of her, for they're more relatable to the idol life than her.

"But y/n... If Jungkook moves out, you guys won't be able to keep in touch with each other." Hoseok said and y/n smiled at him.

"Hoseok, he's not just important to me... But he's also important to you guys as well. I realize that I'm not the only one who needs him. You guys... The world needs him to stay."

"That's why, I'm okay with it."

- That's right. The whole world needs him, not only me. The world doesn't revolve around me. I want him to stay, not because of me... But for everyone else as well. -

JUNGKOOK FF - Prince from The PastWhere stories live. Discover now