Land of Waves-1

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It had been about 2 weeks since the bell test. In those 2 weeks the team had done 1 D-rank mission, then train in whatever  Kakashi sensei told them to do, and then another D rank mission.

Naruto, who had done about 120 D-ranks on his own, was not happy about this.

"Oi Jiji! I'm tired of these D-ranks dattebayo! Please give us a C rank or something because I seriously don't think these glorified chores will help us with anything."

Before Sakura could tell him to be respectful to the hokage, Sasuke said "yes lord hokage. Please give us something challenging. You've seen our skill set so you know we can handle it"

The hokage just raised an eyebrow and asked Kakashi, amused "well Kakashi, you're the team captain and sensei, what do you say?"

"I agree with these two lord hokage" Kakashi said "we have already done enough D-ranks to qualify for atleast 1 or 2 c-rank missions"

"Very well then, please come in Tazuna" the hokage called out to behind a door in the room.

A fat old man with white hair walked in holding a bottle of alcohol.

"Wha? These are my escorts? These little kids couldn't fight a rabbit, especially the hyper lookin  blonde tictac".

Before he could say anything else however, he found a kunai below his neck and a hand holding both of his behind his back, his bottle laid broken on the ground.

"Care to repeat that?" Naruto said in a deadly serious voice as he tightened his grip on Tazuna's hands.

Tazuna was spared however when Kakashi just lazily flipped a page and said "Naruto, we have to protect him, not scare him".

"For the last time, I AM NOT A TICTAC DATTEBAYO" Naruto said, going back to being his usual goofy and cheery self.


"Is your sensei really a ninja?" Tazuna asked rhetorically, annoyed by the lateness of Kakashi sensei.

"Apparently" all three said at the same time.

They were all waiting at the gates of the leaf village, waiting for Kakashi sensei who was once again, late by about 2 hours already.

"Heya my dear students and Mr Tazuna" Kakashi said as he walked up to them with an eye smile.

"What is it this time" Sasuke said with a scowl.

"I got lost on the road of life" he said airily

"Must be hard to get lost on road which doesn't exist dattebayo" Naruto muttered to Sakura, who giggled.

Naruto had been really excited at first, wanting to see the outside world.

But now he was simply bored, playing 'eye spy' with Sakura until spotting a puddle on the ground.

He exchanged looks with Sakura and Sasuke, ready for fight.

As the passed over the puddle two people with a scratched hidden mist village headband appeared from the puddle and chained Kakashi sensei, who looked up from his book, started.

Sakura screamed as they each pulled their chain and Kakashi was torn into pieces in a shower of blood.

She moved in front of a shocked Tazuna with two kunai as Naruto and Sasuke engaged both of them in a fight.

It couldn't be called a fight, more like a massacre.

Naruto or Sasuke alone could have easily dealt with both, so they were mostly toying with the two.

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