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The next day brings more conversation concerning the Quidditch match. Whenever Draco or Harry pass each other in the halls, Draco makes a point to mime choking or falling off his broom. To which I often roll my eyes. 

Having seen that Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I have become friends, Draco, when seeing me, declares that his opinion of Harry has dropped even more so as he "threw his bloody standards out the door". I still haven't figured out why he hates me so much, but a large part of me doesn't give a damn.

Winter comes quickly after and white, puffy snow litters the  landscape outside. Icicles hang off the Whomping Willow and other trees, the lakes slightly freezes over. Though Hagrid makes it very clear that no one is to walk on the ice, as it isn't sturdy enough to truly hold us.

Although I'd missed the conversation, Harry, Ron, and Hermione fill me in on their discovery from Hagrid of someone named Nicholas Flamel. They're insistent on finding out who he is, but I've quickly lost interest in the whole fiasco. I don't have the time to distract myself with other people's business, and if you ask me, they don't either. Defense Against the Dark Arts was too busy kicking my bloody arse.

Though what is particularly surprising is that, although defending the dark magic is difficult, if we use any low-level dark magic as a way for another student to practice their defense, I seem to excel. It was during one of these lessons that Cho and Draco decided to chide me about this fact.

"Today we will be practicing spell casting." Quirrell surprisingly manages to declare without stuttering.

"This is too advanced for first years." Cho mumbles beside me. I side-eye her and see that she's scowling.

"Actually, I don't think it's a bad idea. It's never too early, ya know. Even if we aren't able to do them well, at least we'll have something." Eth whispers back to her, loud enough that I hear him even though he's on the other side of Cho.

"We-we'll take t-turns betw-een d-defense and off-offense." Quirrell manages. 

It surprises me how quickly he can go from talking perfectly to a stuttering mess. I eye him more carefully and notice a dark look in his eyes. Before I can think more on it, the class is shuffling into pairs. Cho and Eth quickly pair up and I glance around the room. It becomes obvious that the only two without partners, due to git-one and git-two working together, are Draco and I. We get into position, eyes narrowed and scowls on our faces.

"Offense, the smokescreen spell. Point your wand and say Fumos." Quirrell explains and I quickly glance at him. In the space of a brief pause, I notice a look I can't quite describe flash across his features. As if remembering he needs to stutter, the next sentence seems overkill.

"D-defense, t-the j-jelly legs j-jinx. P-point your w-wand and s-say Lo-locom-motor W-wib-bley."

I inwardly sigh, hear Draco yell the jinx before I have time to look back at him, and look over, frantically trying to cause a smokescreen to appear. I fail and my legs collapse.

While getting up from the floor, I simultaneously yell the jinx back towards Draco, furiously casting it in his direction. Draco manages to make a smokescreen, but to no avail. I'm faster, and the jinx hits Draco hard. He takes much longer to get up.

The process continues until class is over and, as I gather my notes, Cho walks up.

"What in the world? It's kinda creepy how easy it is for you to cast jinxes." She folds her arms and eyes me carefully. "Are you, like, secretly from an evil family or something?"

I look up at her quickly, eyes flashing angrily. "Are you bloody serious?"

"Look how easily you cast them! And yet you can't even protect yourself from them!" Cho exclaims.

Eth instantly walks over, lightly grabs Cho's arm, and, with an apologetic glance in my direction, pulls her away before I can respond.

I'm about to walk out the door when Draco's voice stops me. "As much as I despise admitting this, that bloody Ravenclaw isn't wrong. You're suspiciously good at jinxes, which truly makes me want to bloody throw up."

I turn on my heels and face him, my anger growing. "So what if I am?"

He scowls at me. "It makes you bloody dangerous, and bloody stupid."

Seething, I get my wand from the inside of my robe and point it in his direction. "Would you like a lesson? I could always demonstrate." Venom seeps from my voice.

His scowl deepens. "Like you could teach me anything. I'm better than you. But at least I can face my family's past." With that, he storms past me, tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb following him out.

Putting away my wand, I stare after my supposed friend and cocky enemy, fuming. But I couldn't escape the thought that, just maybe, there was something to their words. Maybe my biological family wasn't as great as I thought. After a moment, I push the thought as deep into my unconscious as I can, resolute that it isn't true, and continue on to my next class.

So, I wanted to add a little Draco drama. This is the best I could come up with in the short amount of time I had to write. It's not my best work, but there it is. :)

Downfall || Draco Malfoy x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now