14) Recovery

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I wake up some time later feeling more rested than I have in months. I blink my eyes a few times, confused as to where I am. After a moment, I sit up and look around, realizing quickly I'm in the hospital wing. I frown, trying to remember how I got here, but the last thing I remember is Draco, of all people, helping me. Shaking my head, I climb out of the bed. My head spins as a wave of dizziness hits me and I quickly sit back down.

Suddenly the partition separating me from other patients opens and Madam Pomfrey walks in.

"Oh, you're up dear. Good, though stay seated. The dizziness is a side effect of the potion Mr. Malfoy wisely gave you before bringing you here. Quite talented at potions, that one. Even at such a young age." She smiles softly before walking over and fretting about, checking one thing after another to confirm my health.

My frown deepens in confusion. "Malfoy...I mean, Draco...gave me a potion? I don't remember that."

She chuckles. "Well, I wouldn't suppose so with how sleep deprived you were. It's a good thing Mr. Malfoy found you when he did. Sleep deprivation is bad for a muggle, even worse for a witch." She shakes her head. "End up casting spells and doing magic without knowing it."

I run a hand through my hair. "How long was I asleep?"

"A few days. The potion Mr. Malfoy gave you isn't widely known. It causes deep slumber while also tampering with a person's ability to dream, thus giving the person a quite a good rest. Much stronger than most sleeping draughts." She smiles. "You've got a good friend in him. Now lay back down dear. Your body needs a bit to recover from the side effects." She pats my leg affectionately and walks off, presumably to take care of another student.

I lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. One this is sure, Draco isn't what I'd call a 'friend'. But then...I can't figure out why he would help me. I ignore the part of me that is grateful that he is the one to have found me and not Cho or Eth...or anyone else for that matter.


I walk into the Great Hall for breakfast, starving after so much sleep, and sit at the Ravenclaw table. It's early and there aren't many students around. I eat slowly, allowing my stomach to get used to actual food again. After what feels like hours, students begin to trickle into the room, all chatting excitedly. They seem far too awake for the time of day.

I notice Eth and Cho enter and the minute they see me, Cho is running over. As well as she possibly can while I'm sitting at a table, she hugs me.

"Oh my Merlin! You're okay! No one told us what happened, just that you were asleep in the Hospital Wing!" She begins a spiel of how worried she and Eth were and how it's not the same with me gone. I sigh inwardly. It's not that I'm not grateful for her care, but this is a lot of energy for me right now.

Eth, ever the calm one, notices this and smiles. He ushers Cho away with an explanation of him wanting to greet me, though I know he's really just saving me from her clingy behavior. He gives me a quick side hug and sits beside me.

"You look a lot better." He attempts to mask his relief, but I can see it in his eyes.

"I just needed sleep." I smile and take a bite of toast. I look around the hall in curiosity at all the excitement, only to meet Draco's eyes.

I might be mistaken, but he looks almost...happy...to see me. His shoulders visibly relax when he looks at me. But there's no way he could have been worried about me. As least, that's what I try to convince myself of.

I shake my head and turn back to Cho and Eth. "What's with all the energy and excitement?"

That's all the encouragement Cho needed. She wastes no time launching into the story of Harry, Ron, and Hermione's exploits and how they saved the day. Any detail that could be shared, is shared. Turns out their nosiness ended up helping everyone in the long run, but I still don't get how they managed to willingly find themselves in that kind of situation. I listen attentively, both amused and exasperated by their ability to turn even rule breaking to that degree into something good. These three could literally walking through shit and come out smelling like roses, it seems. Yet there's a nagging feeling in my gut that says this isn't really a good thing after all.

A/N: I'm back!! I'm still busy as hell, but I've missed writing this, so I'm gonna try to dedicate some time to it anyway. Plus, I read through all the previous chapters and it got me inspired again. Hope everyone is off to a great new year!

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