Chapter 2

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(Note: any Korean words/phrases used is in romanisation if it's wrong please let me know and I'm sorry in advance)

Date published: 04/10/2022


Eun-woo POV

Being around Arron again made me realise how much I wanted the whole group back together again. I wanted to go back to the way things were before it all got complicated.  Still in the same alleyway, I watch as he stands in front of me. Arms folded in a stance that although screams dominance, there is also a hint of his need to be protective seeping out through his arrogant disguise.

"You know we can wait here all day for you to give me an answer?" He leans against the wall with his arms still folded and closes his eyes.

"Hello?" I wave my hand in front of his face in an attempt for him to somehow sense what I'm doing to get the hint I want him to open his eyes. A few seconds pass and he's still like that. I start to give up only because my arm is starting to feel dead from all that movement.

He suddenly lifts himself from the wall effortlessly and makes his way towards the entrance of the alleyway.

"Come on." He hails me over as if I'm his pet dog. I stare at his back debating whether or not I want to follow him. He didn't even tell me how he survived the bloodbath that was 4 years ago. What has he been doing for 4 years? Was he still involved with illegal businesses? Or did he decide to start fresh, given a new chance at life. Looking at his broad shoulders and the muscles sculpted through his shirt there is no way the new life was an option. 

Now the only way I would get answers was if I were to go with him. But do I really want to? He could most possibly be a robotic machine.. I mean let's find out what's the worst he could do? Maybe possibly kill me I think he wouldn't would he??

I walk over and stand in front of him, I feel him look down at me, not looking at him I poke his stomach over and over again in an attempt to feel any sort of metal feeling. Well not a robot I see...

"Are you trying to see whether or not I'm a robot?" I look at him and see him staring down at me with amusement playing through his eyes. I forgot how good he looked when wasn't being serious wait what "Alright enough games, come with me" he starts walking towards the other direction he dragged me in. Honestly, If hesitation was a person I'd be looking at a mirror. I watch as he walks away as I continue to hesitate, though my thoughts had already taken over, I groan in annoyance. I guess I'm going to have to follow him. I run up to him to try and catch up.

He guides us through the crowds as if he's memorised the pattern and rush of the crowds. As we walk through I start to loose visual of him. "Arron" I say while trying to grab onto his arm. People start to push past, nudging into which causes me to loose my balance I feel myself fall face first, I put out my hands to try and save myself but before I knew it I was being dragged into someones chest. I need to stop doing this to myself.

"Are you ok?" I hear Arron question as he starts checking if I had hurt myself, a look of worry flashes over him as he quickly covers it up with a more cold look. Do I really want to trust him? Should I trust him? It could just be me but he doesn't seem to be the same person I knew years ago. The vibe I got from him years ago, its shifted, secrecy follows close behind him. I want to second guess my decision to be right here with him but then again what if I could get him out of his mess? I'm getting a headache thinking about this mess.

Before he starts walking again he takes my hand in his, holding on to it with such force but also making sure his grip wasn't hurting me. That on another note caught me off guard.  Memories of the night before his alleged death played on in my head as if the constant repeat button had been activated.

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