Chapter one: The cat

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Atsumu and Osamu are twins, brothers, they argue constantly; but where is the shocker in that? I’m Suna Rintarou, one of their closest friends so expect some blackmail from me, such as the time they argued over if pickles and cucumbers are the same. Trust me, it was very amusing to watch; I even have a recording of them!

I bet you’re wondering how I know them, and why my jersey doesn’t say SUNA on the back anymore? That’s because I'm marrying a miya, That’s right, I'm marrying one of my best friends, cliché, right? Oh well, lots of questions and no answers…guess i need to start in highschool, when i met them.


I was rushing to the gym, so as to not be completely late for practice..again- when I entered the gym and ran right into a sturdy chest, I know, cliche wattpad y/n moment. I backed away from the person I ran into, half expecting a cocky bastard, instead I was greeted by a very… rare sighting of identical twins. Which did I run into? “Um, you gonna apologize to Sumu? '' the gray haired twin asked, ‘oh…so it had to be the piss blonde twin, oh well’ , I sighed as I looked at the set of twins before turning the Sumu? “I’m really sorry um.. Sumu?’ i said, before walking into the gym, finding it empty ‘DID I COMPLETELY MISS PRACTICE????’ I panicked, “practice was canceled, coach got sick, we were just having solo practise before classes’ the gray haired twin clarified. ‘Oh-’ “alright, thank you uh..” “oh! I’m Osamu, and this is my twin Atsumu '' Osamu introduced. ‘That makes sense’  I looked at them, gently smiling before asking. “So, which is the uglier twin?’ and watched them argue and point fingers at each other, calling each other ugly. I slipped out and watched them bicker for a bit before leaving for classes early.

At lunch, I was sitting in the garden, just eating my food peacefully while reading a book on my phone “Whatcha reading there cutie?” some brunette asked, “murder under a hanging tree” i answered honestly, to wish the brunette just scoffed, a doubter? Ok bet. “Ya know.. I always wanted to try some of this stuff..” I spoke softly, feigning sweetness. “You have?” he questioned. “Yeah but, no one has ever read it, so..they don’t know what I'm talking about, kinda a mood killer to be honest..” I sighed. The guy ran off, probably to go find it and read it. Little does he know, it’s a book on how to kill perverts.. Oops~ “did you just trick that guy?’ a familiar voice asked me, i turned to it “me? Trick some perv who needs to learn where to look, into reading my murder plans? Me? No! Never!~''I joked sarcastically. “Rin..” “yes, kita-san?” I smiled innocently and he struggled not to laugh. “You need to stop with the vague threats,” kita-san said, and i just laughed. We ended up talking for the rest of lunch, before he decided to walk me to class.

After school, there still was no practice so I just continued home, kinda uneventful today; but that is better than an eventful day. As I walked home I couldn’t help but feel like someone was following me….starting to think i sound like a main character in a movie, but, i turned around and only saw a cat, so i did what any normal person would do: i picked up the cat and took it home, what? I couldn’t leave the poor kitten out there alone! Once i arrived home i headed to my room, setting down the cat and pulling out as my many large pillows as i had to make a comfy bed for it, once i had that set up i left my place again to go get cat food, and look for missing cat posters on the way, just incase the cat had an owner. I got into the store and went directly to the cat food and started to search for the best kind. “Didn’t take you as a cat person, uhm?” I turned to the voice, seeing the Miya twins there and holding a poster? “Oh uhm, Suna Rintarou, and yeah” I shrugged at the identical pair. “I found a stray cat and decided to keep it until I found its owner” I explained, the twins looked hopeful for a split second. “Was she a gray tabby with bright yellow eyes and ginger socks?” Atsumu asked. I nodded, “is she yours?” I asked, “yep! That’s our baby, Mimi!” Osamu exclaimed. I laughed softly, “well, can I bring her to your place if you would like?’  I suggested. They shook their heads no, “we’ll get her from yours” Atsumu explained, i just nodded and stood from where i was, and headed to the door “then come on, let’s go get your ‘baby’” i mocked them, even though iI was sad i couldn’t keep her. They nodded and followed me with bright smiles, we walked back to my place, somehow I acquired two more strays. Once we got back, I opened the door and laughed softly when I saw Mimi on my couch, chilling with my other six cats. “Oh? Definitely a cat person” Atsumu teased and Osamu laughed in agreement. “I like cats, ok?” I huffed and picked up Mimi after setting the other two cats down, I handed her over to the twins, “I honestly didn’t think you two would be cat dads.” I laughed a little, “yeah, not many do. But, maybe we can have a cat playdate? Let our babies get to know each other?” Osamu suggested. I hummed in thought “maybe, I’d love to get to know you two better anyways, since we’re gonna be on the same team anyway” i shrugged.The both agreed, “yeah that sounds like a good idea to me, you Tsumu?” Osamu looked at Atsumu, who seemed to be just staring at me. “Oh uhm, yeah sounds like a plan then! We better get home before it gets too late, right Samu?” , Osamu shrugged and nodded “ok well, glad you have your cat back, i’ll see you guys at school?” I asked, watching them leave, “Yeah! Absolutely Sunarin!” they both said, causing me to blush at the sudden nickname.

That night, i couldn’t really sleep, not because of the twins, but because of their cat; Mimi, i didn’t even get to pet her! This is a crime to cat lovers!

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