Chapter 6

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"Really, this is unnecessary."

"Mmm hmm," Calloway responded to Ash as the two were in the waiting room of the hospital.


"How's your arm-?"

"Ouch! Ow..."

The lion looked down at the small porcupine, not convinced at all that she wasn't in pain. He guessed that jumping in front of a moving vehicle wasn't the best of ideas to have, and it proved correct since Ash's arm was in so much pain now. They HAD to go to the nearby hospital.

They had been waiting for half an hour now, and the lion started to look around bored with wandering eyes.

He could see there were wards just to the side of the main hall, and his mouth fell into a sad frown when he noticed the children's ward.

How terrible it must be to be here as a child on Christmas.

"Miss Ash... please?"

The lion jolted back up into a straight sitting position as he saw Ash slowly get off her own chair next to his, and walk over to the nurse who led her to another room down the way.

Clay Calloway only sighed heavily, his big chest going up and down from the release of heavy air, and when he looked back up again, he saw a little lion cub looking at him from outside the open door.

Calloway froze stiff for a moment but decided to give a warm smile to the cub and the lion boy just beamed back a goofy infectious smile.

"I know you..." The little cub said quickly, and Calloway straightened up properly again as he replied.

"Really, kid?"

"My mum LOVES your songs!"

"Hmm... really?" Calloway said, amused by this piece of knowledge. The young cub quickly nodded his head and suddenly waved his paw forward for Calloway to follow him.

The old lion blinked his eyes, just simply confused.

"Well, Ash," The doctor said to the young porcupine as she sat in his office, and he pulled out the x-ray and what they were able to find, "It looks like you fractured your arm just a bit."

"WHAT..." Ash said, her eyes falling wide open and her bottom lip trembling, "But- but!"

"Don't panic." The doctor added on quickly, coming over to the girl and holding her injured arm out softly, Ash wincing at the sudden pain, "You only need a cast for three weeks, and then it'll be good as new."

"But... I won't be able to play the guitar during that time..."

"Well, that's what happens if you jump in front of a moving vehicle."

Ash gave an annoyed frown, her eyebrows lowering and the doctor added quickly.

"Sorry... but it is."

The young girl rolled her eyes up to heaven and gave a devastating breath out.

It wasn't soon later that she was sitting down and a cast was being molded over her left arm.

"I just, I can't believe this..." She said to the nurse that was working on her fractured arm, "At least it wasn't my main hand, man, I would be lost without my righty."

"Why did you do it anyway, girl?" The nurse asked, sounding sassy as she did, and Ash sighed heavily, uttering back.

"I couldn't let him leave..."

"He must be worth it if this is how far you're willing to go..."

Ash closed her eyes, wincing a bit, and when the cast had hardened up, she looked back at the nurse and said with a sad smile.

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