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Harley Quinn and the Joker Gothams most mentally unstable duo have a kid together. A girl to be precise Marinette Quinzel . Mari Quinn for short. Anyway this chaotic duo agreed to co-parent their adorable beautiful daughter who they both cherish. Due to this Harley Quinn gave up being a villain and got married to Poison Ivy. The joker still continued his villany cause like His "THE JOKER" but he stopped attacking schools as his own sentiment to his child .

The first few months of Mari's life was spent within Wayne Manor. Due to the fact that  The Bat Man thought it was unsafe for Mari to be with her biological parents due to their villainous ways. Harley spent those months getting her footing to become a good citizen or whatever. And mari was being taken care of by the bat family "Mainly by Alfred since the rest were very cluless about babies " . The bat family was welcoming to the idea of keeping the child of the joker except for Tim . Due to the torture he got from the joker some years back . But he quickly changed his mind when he realised that she's just a child and she's freaking adorable like how long could he really hate her . So the rest of the bat family loved Marinette alot. And cared for her like she's their own  little sister. So when it was finally time for her to go they we're all heartbroken but Harley promised them that she'll call on them anytime she feels she needs a babysitters . That was an okay deal  For them and over the years Their bond with Mari continued to grow.
Everything was fine and okay till one very unfortunate night that changed a lot of things for Marinette.She was unfortunately kidnapped by an unknown person in Gotham.The kidnapper was about to ship her of to Russia . Fortunately the kidnapper was caught by the joker who tortured all he could out of the guy and he revealed that Marinette was about to have been trafficked towards a sex den . Which sounds like a disgusting thing to do to A CHILD. But anyway the joker killed him off and him and Harley decided to take Marinette out of Gotham due to it not being very safe for her.
       They decided on Marinette leaving Gotham and going to paris she would be staying with Harley's University friends that are married Tom and Sabine Du-pain Cheng. She would also be changing her surname for the time she would be staying there. Her departure was a very sad one and everyone was present for her going away party.( Lets put to note that mari was nine when she was kidnapped and was trained by the bat family and her mum for about a year to be able to defend herself . she was sent to paris after her training). So she was taken to Paris Tom and Sabine were very excited to take care of her and they did wonderfully well . Due to the Kidnapping she suffered from major PTSD and she became seriously Clusterphobic . But over time it didn't bother her due to nothing triggering it.
Some years later when Mari is 13 she has the miraculous and starts battling hawk moth  . Which was a stress thing for her at that age . And then Lie-la came into the picture and steadily made things worse for her . Which ended up triggering her unresolved trauma .

Now we are in the present day and Marinette is 18 and about to be given another CHALLENGE. Hopefully she'll be able to get through it

Note from Me : SO HIIIII this fanfic prologue is stupidly late and I apologise on how late it is i hope you guys LOVe it . Also through this prologuy Damien has not been mentioned due to the fact he and Marinette haven't met yet they soon will but that will be shown soon. Also thanks for reading 😘😘😊😊😊

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