
28 1 7

Trigger warnings for this story:
Self harm
F Slur
Sexual jokes and things like that

Also this who story is based off of different songs so that's what's most of the titles come from but if you wanna listen to the Playlist here
Now the songs are in order to the. Events in the story so if you wanna listen to it in chronological order then don't shuffle it, but do whatever you want, and if you have any questions about the Playlist or story or anything be free to ask me

Scottys pov..))

"Hey dude, happy birthday" my best friend nick says to me when walking up to me I smile "thanks" I say with a bit of confusion he normally makes fun of me on my birthday for being 'old'. He doesn't tell me happy birthday "how old are you turning? Like what 40?" Nick asks jokingly. There it is "dumb ass I'm turning 17, Shut up" I responded with a matter of fact tone. He puts his arm around my neck "okay, grandpa" he responds ending the conversation.

as we walk into school. When we walk through the doors I see my wonderful girlfriend, laurin. I push nick off of me and run up to her picking her up and hugging her she tells me happy birthday and I give her a quick kiss before putting her back down. She then hands me a small box "for your birthday" she says handing it over "you didn't have too" I tell her "well I did" she says with a smile, I smile back and open the box, inside the box was a silver ring on a chain necklace, I pick it up and look at the ring on the inside the word "forever" was etched into it "its beautiful" I tell her and she smiles "put it on" and so I do exactly what she says and I slip it over my two toned hair and onto my neck, I put it in my shirt though I don't want it swinging everywhere, it was quite long.

"okay love birds we need to get to class" nick says dragging laurin to class, their first class is together, I'm glad my best friend and girlfriend are friends, it'd be awkward if they weren't.

I didn't feel like going to class math sucks anyway, plus im too stupid for it. I go out to the court yard and out there I see a boy with a spotted sweater and skinny jeans the sweater was maroon with black spots and the jeans where black, but the thing that stuck out to me was his hair is was the same shade as the half of mine, light pink.

I walk over to him and sit in front of him "hello" I say to him and he doesn't answer so I say hello again and this time he quickly looks up taking a hidden ear bud out

"sorry! Uh hi?" He says obviously confused "everything good?" I ask him "yeah. Just don't know why you out of anyone is sitting with me" he says to me still confused "oh wow just because I'm popular means I can't sit with you?" I say jokingly "no, that's not what I meant, I meant-" he says stumbling on his words I laugh "relax it was a joke" I cut him off and you could see the relief wash over him "what's your name?" I ask him and he looks at me for a second "Damian" he tells me and before I go to say mine he cuts me off and says "its Scott, I already know" and I look at him for a second "call me scotty" I tell him and he nods "okay scotty" he says as people started walking into the court yard "see you later Damian" I smile and leave him to go to laurin and nick

"who was that? Your boyfriend? Did you become a fag, and now you're cheating on me?" Laurin saying jokingly while laughing and I just stare at her, I do t even think that kids gay "you shouldn't say that word" I tell her and she just rolls her eyes "whatever, it was a joke" says dismissing what I had said.

me and nick walk to science "we have a lab today" nick sighs "I thought you only came to science for the labs?" I ask him annoyed "well yeah but it's a boring lab, Caleb told me" nick says complaining "well I need my lab partner so you're coming with me either way" I say resting my arm on his shoulder and basically draging him to class

as we walk in Mrs. Hill smiles at me "in class for once Mr. Miller?" She asks nick and he just ignores her and walks to our seat.

while she's explaining what the lab is one of my other friends looks at me with a sorry look so I mouth to him 'what' and he just mouths back 'I'm sorry' and I give him a confused look for a second before he looked back up at the teacher so I followed his actions and looked back at Mrs. Hill.

After class in the hall nick went the other way to his next class and I went and ran up the Keith my friend who gave me the sad look

"what was that in class?" I asked him "has no one told you?" He asks me genuinely confused "told me What?" I ask "damn, I didn't think I'd be the one to tell you, in English laurin and nick kissed, and were flirting the whole class" he tells me being dead serious "you're kidding?" I pleed to him and he just shakes his head "thank you for telling me" I say numb.

he just nods and walks off. I decided not to go to my next class instead I go back into the court yard to that table I had sat at earlier today and I just started to cry, no wonder they where so close.

I continue to cry until nick sits down at the table I'm sitting at "what the fuck, why are you crying? Man up" he says making fun of me.

I quickly whipe my tears "fuck you nick" is all I respond to him "what's your deal scott?" He says witch pissed me off so I stand up and slam my hands on the table

"you! You are my problem!" I half yell at him "what the hell did I do?!" He yells back "you know exactly what you did" I say through gritted teeth, he went to go say something but before he could I ask him a question as calmly as I could be "how long?" I ask him "I- what?" He says confused "how. Long?" I ask again and you could see the realization wash over him

"7 months" he says truthfully "okay." I say turning around going to find laurin "where are you going?" He calls out to me "I think you know" I tell him walking to laurins class witch right now is theater.

I knock on the door and the teacher asks me what I'm doing here "hi, I'm sorry Ms. Rushing but could I borrow laurin for a quick second?" I ask her "why do you need her?" She asks me "because we're doing a project together in socal studies and she has the paper and I need it" I lie "okay, sure"

laurin gets up and walks out of the classroom to me "7 months?" I ask her and her eyes widen "what?" She asks me "nick already told me What's going on with you two, so don't lie to me, why did you even go out with me in the first place if you where gonna cheat a month later?" I ask her "because I liked you" she tells me "yeah, liked" I repeat what she said to her

"no, I still like you" she tries to tell me "yeah you LIKE the idea of being with me, you never loved me did you?" I ask her and she says quiet and I rip the necklace off of my neck

"what happend to forever?" I say throwing the necklace to the ground and she's still quiet "I can't believe you...just fucking go back to class, and don't ever talk to me again" I say walking away and she goes back to her class.

as I walk away I get a glimpse of myself in a window and I didn't see myself, instead of the emo boy who wears ripped jeans and a striped shirt under a regular shirt with two toned hair pink and hazelnut I saw a boy filled with hate and anger.

I walk back out to the courtyard and I see Damian so I walk up and say hi, we spend the rest of the day together. I gave him my number and soon it was the end of the day.

As we walked out of the school we realized we only live a few streets away from each other so we said our goodbyes and went home and the first thing I did was put his number in my phone

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