parents (TW)

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Scottys pov..))

It's been a few days since laurin and nick stopped being my friends but me and Damian hung out every day since. Today is Saturday and as I'm walking down the stairs my father stops me

"You've been seeing that boy a lot recently...anything you wanna tell me?" He half asks half demands. I look at him confused "" I awnser with uncertainty and he looks at me "Scott, if you ever and i mean ever kiss a boy, I will kill you" he tells with with a harsh voice I just look at him confused and walk past him but as I walk past him he hits the back of my head I just walk to the kitchen as he grabs his stuff and walks to the door

"I'm off to work, i wont be back till late, don't trash the house" he yells back at me while walking out the door "yes sir" I yell back

I open the fridge and get a bottle of water from it and walk to the table and sit down in one of the chairs I pull our my phone to see I had a message from Damian 'good morning' the message read. 'morning' I responded and shut my phone off and took a drink of my water waiting for a response.

After a few minutes I get a message that says 'can I come over?' I look at it for a few seconds thinking if that'd be a good idea considering what my father said a few minutes prior

'yeah, I'll ask if you can stay the night' I responded with. We're just friends my father can't do anything about that

'alright be there in a few' I nod and turn my phone off, ill ask my father about him staying the night later.

I finish my water bottle and wait for Damian to get to my house. After a good 20 minutes I hear a knock at my door and I open it to see Damian as I expected I give a small smile and let him in, I run up to my room with him following behind we don't really do much besides watch TV play games and things along those lines

it was getting pretty late and I heard a knock on the door the find my father at the door I freeze and he walks in and he hadn't realized Damian was here yet but after a minute or two of me just watching him he finally looked over at me and saw Damian and in the most scary calm voice I've ever heard him use he said

"I didn't know your boyfriend would be here" I look at him for a second before responding "he's not my boyfriend" I tell him a matter of fact tone.

He rolls his eyes "I mean hanging out with a faggot all the time would say other wise" my father said putting his things down.

I could see Damian getting upset and adrenaline had send shavers down my spine and I wasn't thinking about what I was doing. My dad looked over at me silently demanding me to respond.

"You know what, if you believe I'm such a 'faggot' then I'll show you 'faggot'" I saw walking back to Damian. I looked him in the eyes and he had looked so confused and I just grabbed his shirt and kissed him, it wasn't nice it wasn't soft or gentle it's not like a fan fiction where it was perfect. It was a kiss full of spite and hatred.

He quickly pulled away from me and started grabbing his things "I have to go." He said before getting all his stuff and leaving. I had watched him leave, I didn't stop him I didn't even say bye I just let him leave.

Once he was out the door a turned to my dad and I saw pure hatred in his eyes and he was radiating anger, but the adrenaline in my blood hadn't left quite yet and I still had some fight in me

"boy. What the fuck was that." He demanded I stared him in the eye not backing down like he wanted me to "I kissed a boy. Infront of you. You don't want me to have privacy so why would I Hide that?" He got even angrier and started yelling I'm not to sure about what he said I can't really remember but I do remember him asking me what drugs I was on, calling me the worst son ever pulling a gun on me and telling me to pack my shit and get out of his house.

So Here I am in my room grabing clothes and some other things with my dad pointing a gun at me the whole time.

The sad thing is, I'm not scared, I know he's too much of a pussy to shoot me.

I finally got my bag packed between us yelling at each other and him threatening to shoot me. He followed me put the door and made sure to lock me out. What he's too dumb to realize is I've snuck in and out of this house so many times that if i wanted to I could get back in. But I don't wanna get back in I hate it there anyway.

I don't really have anywhere to go but I do have a therapy appointment tomorrow so ig I could tell her idk how she'd respond though if she'd care or not. Mrs. Lindsay is her name. She's nice.

But back to reality I'm walking down the street In the middle of the night alone with no place to go, I mean I could beg nick or laurin to let me crash at their place but they would mistake that for me forgiving them.

I have a few other friends but none that would let me stay the night. I mean I could ask Damian. Yeah I'm gonna ask Damian.

I pull out my phone and text Damian 'hey, I'm really sorry about my dad...and kissing you. I know it wasn't right, but Mt dad kicked me out... could I stay at your place?'

I sent it but he just left me on read, I mean I can't blame him. I guess I'm just gonna pull a all nighter and ask Mrs. Lindsay if I can just take a nap or something.

But what about Sunday? Today's only Friday well it's like 3 a.m. so technically Saturday but yeah. I guess I'll figure something out I have like 20$ I should be able to get a snack or something tomorrow I don't know

A/n Anyway that's where I'm gonna end thus chapter ill start on the next chapter but if I don't stop this here I'm either gonna write the whole book or a bunch of filler

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