Danger Lies Ahead

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                   ¿Minho's Pov¿

I turn around and look at Chan. "You got to be fucking with me right now?" I get up pacing back and forth as he dumps the pieces down the toilet flushing them. These dirty motherfuckers, I outta punch them but let's face it, I'm not the one to fight with fist, but with words.

Jisung looks worried as his eyes bounce between Chan and Me. I kneel down as I look him in the eyes "It means we have to be on the run here soon."

Chan sighs as he hands me the dyes and the knives. I slip the hoister on my upper thigh to the side. They can't tell for my coat so it doesn't matter. I'm afraid that he will hurt himself with it but he doesn't give any signs of it anyways and Hyunjin will be there.

I grab the other hoister and knife from Chan.  "I'm going to slip this on you. Hyunjin will protect you however if needed use it on whoever is needed." He nods as he leans forward hugging me tight. I strapped his hoister onto his upper thigh as I tighten it up.

I kiss him gently for a second before pulling away as I stand up and lead him into the bathroom as I dye mine and his hair.

I come back out as Chan is still sitting on his computer typing away. Hacking again I suppose. He looks up as fear is displayed onto his face. "What this time Chan?" I lean my head on the bathroom door as Jisung is looking in the mirror.

He shakes his head "We have to go. Get the key" I grab the key as I hide it in between my fingers. Jisung comes up behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

"I'll see you later. Hyunjin will come in here to get you." Chan sighs as he rushes to the car.

I turn around as he is still holding me "I promise that everything is going to be alright. I promise. There might be some hiccups every now and then but we can make it."

"How do you know that?" His face is displaying so much anxiety and fear and I'm afraid this could cause something bad within him.

"Because I have trust in Chan, Felix and Hyunjin. Because I have faith in this plan. It happened sooner than what we planned but that's okay. You are in good care Jisung" I kiss his forehead as he lays his head on my chest for a moment.

He lets go and nods "Good luck. I believe in you" That alone encourages me and makes me feel like I can do anything. I walk out into the hallways as Hyunjin and Felix come out with beanies on. Hyunjin comes out with normal clothes, I reach out my hand as he shakes my hand quickly as he grabs the key from my hand. Good luck Hwang...

                  ¡Jisung's Pov¡

Hyunjin comes in as he is calm which is surprising counting the people we care about are risking everything for us. He walks closer to me as he grabs my wrist. I don't know if I can do this. Am I worth this? Why is Minho doing this for me?

"You know the drill and your ass better be ready. We have no time to have a nervous breakdown. I am not the one to deal with that, have Minho,Chan or Felix comfort you later."  Hyunjin says as his patience is running thin and he is ready to leave.

"Well actually I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. Minho is risking everything for me. I just don't feel like it's fair" He is giving up his whole career and everything for me. I don't like that he's doing this...

"Han Jisung, shut the fuck up. It's not for you to decide. I can protect you, I have..defense skills" I can tell something else like memories are running through his head as he says this.

He is being sharp and guarded as he speaks. Hyunjin glances over the side for a moment as the look in his eyes went from sharp to slightly softer.

He tugs on my wrist onto my feet gently as he guides me to a hallway, the hallway Minho and I watched the stars together. Hyunjin grabs my hood as he pulls it over my head. He kicks the door open agressively. Something switched in his mind it seems like the moment he  stepped out of the room.

"Slow down" I huff as I try my best to keep up with him. He's moving so fast that I'm not used to even going up and down the stairs. Let alone almost sprinting down the stairs. I lean my head back a bit as I look up at the ceiling for any cameras. Surprisingly none in sight.

"Keep your head down,Shut the mouth and continue. This isn't your little stroll time, this is a matter of getting arrested. " he snap at me. Boy who put him in this mood? I don't think that he is like this all the time though because I dont think Dr.Sunshine would put uo with that. He must be looking at something as he tracks something on the wall.

He rams his shoulder into the door as the door flings open. This floor is full of doctors and nurses. I seriously hope that we don't get caught up in all of this. I mean he's free to go but I'm not. Is it a crime for him to do this? He begins to walk faster as he spots a locked door. He must have the key.

I stop in the middle of the hall as I yank my wrist away from his almost death grip. I lean down as my lungs feel like they are full of fire as I breathe. I can't do this. Even he is putting himself in danger? For what?

"Now is not the time. If you are out of breath or are about to puke, do it outside. Like down the hallway." Oh he is so nice.. I swear I would give him hell if it wasn't for the fact of it is not the time for that. He grabs my wrist but I try my best to stay put. Maybe then he will get the idea that he should just go and leave me behind.

What is he doing now? He kneels down infront of me as he places his two large hands on the back of my thighs. He places me onto his back as he quickly moves towards the exit. I remember the last time I was carried was when my father was alive as he used to oick me up like this so I could see to bigger height.

Even better, the door is locked but he has the key. Am I too heavy for him? Do I need to try to get him to let go? Hyunjin removes one of his hands off of me as he looks behind him then back at the door as he unlocks the door as he shoves the door open. I'm surprised that as busy as this place is, that no one even came to look after their patients.

He sits me down in the seat as my body slid to the other side. He sure is strong versus what he lets on. I start looking out the window as the bright sun is hitting my eyes. I look at hyunjin who simply gets in and shuts the door. He seems annoyed and pissed off. Why though?

Chan looks in the back seat where we are. "Here's the deal, we are going to my house. Is there anything you need now? Because neither of you can leave afterwards." Wait what? This is no different than being in the cell really other than I can roam around a new place. Will I at least be able to take small brief walks outside?

"Mind if I get my motocycle to ride to your house? That way you can stay with Jisung as I pick up Felix? It would make more sense because that way we don't have to buy a van.." Hyunjin asks Chan. Wait,Hyunjin knows how to operate a motocycle. I mean it's not like I know the dude but it's totally different from what he seems like he is.

"Where is the address Hyunjin? We have 20 minutes until Felix and Minho will be out" I have a feeling this is not going to end up well.

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