Chapter 15: Diversity Win! I'm kidnapped by four evil gay virgins

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Okay, I don't know they're gay virgins I just feel like they all are and definitely not a single one of them is straight. I know that.
I thought I was done with these people. I'm only supposed to kill the one of them and that is most defenseless and utterly useless one of them. I finally got my strength back up. And he's predictably walking alone in the dark holding a book.
"Hey, it's me again sorry I really do have to kill you, you want to like, kneel down or something?" I ask, waving my sword at the boy who yelps a little and clutches his book.
"No um—no, why do you want to kill me?" He asks, stepping back a bit delicately. It's dark out. We're in the woods or something? Like there are trees here. Could be a park. I don't know if you call it 'woods' if it's in a park. Isn't that like just more park? Or is it when it's wild it's the forest? Never mind, this pretty gay child definitely isn't in the middle of the forest.
"I don't want to particularly. You are very handsome, however, I did get told to, so," I prepare to run him through.
And I'm bowled to the ground by an overeager puppy of a wizard who I'd really like to murder. For street cred.
"No, you're not going to do that. Hi! I'm Gideon Saint, I tried to rescue you, couple times actually, want to re-think that?" Gideon asks, kneeling on my chest. He's glowing white with magic.
"Not really, I have my job," I struggle. I'm not getting free, but I'm making some headway. It's like he's saving his strength or something?
"Why are you trying to kill my son? Who sent you?" A man with a bad hair cut, but very pretty eyes, points his sword at me. Next to him stands his demon—oh wait these are guys who stole my voice. Fucking hate these people. They're the sophisticated bitchy opera gays. And I hate them.
"I don't know who sent me, somebody who kidnapped me this time said I'm supposed to kill Henry, so I am," I snarl, struggling to get free.
"I'm Henry," he snarls.
"What? He said he was Henry," I say, pointing at the boy who is still holding up his book.
"I am!" The boy chirps.
"You can't both be Henry," I reason.
"Yes they can! Literally both of them are named Henry that's how patriarchy works," Gideon sighs.
"Well, that makes things confusing who thought that up?" I ask.
"You don't know which one of us you're supposed to kill?" The younger Henry offers.
"It's me—it's likely me you've never done anything, ever," his father reasons. I know I said they're all gay virgins. I stand by that. This tall, athletic, manly man, did not produce that small literary gay child. Like, he acquired this kid somehow and named it after him, but that is not his kid.
"Were you contracted to kill the King, or the Prince?" The demon asks, eyes glowing red.
"Ah—I don't know I wasn't doing very well. I'm probably going to kill both of them to be safe. Is either one of them the fifth of something?" I ask.
"I am Henry the Fifth, King of England, France, Castile, Scotland, and Wales, Lord of Ireland," the older Henry says, like a little offended I did not know this.
"Hammer of the Gauls, Plague upon Sinners, Scourge of Europe, Hand of Ares, Henry Rex," Gideon mutters, like he's trying not to say it and failing.  One of the Henry's nods like in gratitude the other looks like he wants to throw up.
"You did not need to say all that, you could have stopped at England. He doesn't know what's going on. I realize this is significant for you in that he's the only person in Europe not to know who you are," the son growls.
"Glad you have a lot of names. I'm supposed to kill you, I guess," I say, struggling harder.
"Yeah, no you're not. Archbishop, go ahead," Gideon says, laying a hand over my face.
"With pleasure."
"No—what are you doing—,"

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