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What comes to your mind when you hear the word? A powerful ruler, perhaps, or a person like a president who is loyal and helpful to his subjects or his people? Either way, that is what I am... Or was, for that matter...

I am dead, and I have been for centuries. For 10,009 years, I have wandered the Earth, making sure that my acts of kindness and generosity were recognized - still after my death. You may think that I may feel restless for roaming that long, but I felt like it was right. I had to be remembered in some way, somehow... So, in a way, I felt as if it was my destiny to become one with the restless souls of the dead - it was my destiny to become a ghost.

My name is Valence Von Ornell, King of Orken. And yes, this is not just a tease because my soul resides in an animatronic that is kingly, in appearance, I was ACTUALLY once a king during my life, until my unfortunate death a long time ago, in the year 1015, to be exact. Since that year, I have been a ghost, it is not my desire to overflow like the inundation, I refuse to occupy myself with the thought of being forgotten. It plagues me to this day, if I weren't a ghost - I don't know what I would do... Possibly be very emotional and cry. A king is never one to show his emotions - especially one as credited as I. When I found out I had turned into a ghost, I cried. When I think about the gruesome sequence in which I died, I cry. Even when I'm alone... I cry.

I also haunt some abandoned places nowadays- such as my old castle. Usually, putting my head in some places or moaning throughout the night scares people away. I'm not the kind of ghost that moans all the time - in fact, I moan rarely. Unlike the ghost of my friend and dearest comrade - a fellow warrior, such as myself.

Along with being a great ruler, I was also a sergeant in the royal army and fought with other rivals. I tried very hard, and that seemed to pay off. I met very great people in there too. My life wasn't all that nice, though - my family and my nephew had plagued me daily - even after death, I have insomnia because of their troubles towards me and my peaceful rule. Some nights, I wake up dreadful and tired because I barely sleep. In fact, I have not slept peacefully in 10,000 years.

I'm sort of scared to fall asleep- especially because my nephew had severed my head when I was sleeping. All because he was jealous and hated the way I ruled... Why does my family hate me, even after my passing? The event still haunts me to this day...I cannot even begin to tell you how much that upset me...

So, for you, the living, you might be asking many questions inside your head right now. I cannot answer them all, but hopefully, once you read this, you will understand why I made the decision to become a ghost and how that decision has impacted me to this very day. You will get to hear about my life, before my rule, and my afterlife. Get ready, because it's a nice way of saying things, gruesome....

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