Ch 2: First Sabordenate

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{A/N:Hey Guys I know this is quite short but still I hope you guys do like it}


~Luminous pov~

When I arrived in my room I lay the Human girl on my bed and waited for her to wake up.

From what I could see she's been kidnapped by My Father, Honestly calling him Father leave a nasty taste in my mouth I honestly wanted to Kill him on the spot but I Stop myself from doing so since I still have to wait for a few more years before I can kill him and I need to find my self People who can help me run this Place once That guy is dead.

After a while, the Human Girl woke up revealing her Brown eyes she then robs her two eyes as she slowly Got up and she looks around my Room Looking confused.

"I'm glad Your Awake," I said to the girl giving her a fright

" I know where I am?"She asks me with her frightened expression and her body is shaking due to fear

"There's no need to fear me, human Girl, You are currently in my room, "I said giving her a gentle smile

"W.what do you want from me I'm...I'm just a Human Girl please don't eat me," She said

When I heard that I got Frozen in place 'Why would she think that I will eat her?' is what I thought.

"Pffff, Don't worth I'm not going to eat you girl," I said While holding my Lough as best as I can

"Ano...why are you looking like that? ahhhhh you Laughing at me aren't you?" she said With a somewhat angry tone

"Hahahahaha..... Sorry sorry I just thought that your Funny one" I said as I calm myself down.

"May I ask what is your name, Little Girl?" I ask her

"Miya My name is Miya," she said

"Nice to meet you Miya I'm Luminous, Luminous Valentine, "I said as I offered her a handshake

"Umm nice to meet you Luminous-sama," she said

"Just Luminous is fine," I said

"Now you might be asking Why I take you here well I needed Sabordenate so I'm offering you to become one," I said as I look into her eyes.

"But I'm just a Human," she said

"Well it's ok if you don't want to and you are free to return to your family if you like, "I said

She just keeps silent for a few minutes and keeps thinking About what I just offered to her

After a few minutes of Silent she lift her Head But this time she doesn't look scared instead she had a look of determination.

"I don't have any place to go to so I want to accept your offer," she said

"That's Great to her as A Prof that you are my Sabordenate I'll grant you power," I said

<<Ciel do it>>

>>As you wish Master<<

Ciel replied and Immediately Miya's body started to Glow Ciel had evolved her into a saint to Expand her life span and To give her strength I can turn her into A Vampire but I decided not to since I don't want to turn someone into being a vampire without their consent.

After a while the light Slowly faded and revealed Miya she now looks younger and her Girly Features Are now more Noticeable.

"I will Serve You Until my last Breath Luminous sama" Miya said as she kneel in front of Luminous

"Stand up Miya There's no need to kneel," Luminous said as Miya stood up

"Now I'm in your Care Miya," Luminous said as to Miya

"I'll do my best Luminous sama" Miya replied with a Beautiful smile on her face

And so Luminous now had managed to get her Very First Sabordenate as Luminous Valentine.


As time passed by Luminous Manage go get Guther on her side as her Sabordenate and she also had Taken a liking to Taking care of A flower called Night Rose.



Name: Luminous Valentine
Ep: 96,000,000 (Immeasurable in Battle mode)
Age: 15 minutes (10,0000+ in actually)
Sex: Female
Race: Pureblood Vampire

Skill: Void God Azathoth, Harvest Lord Sub-Negurath, Creation Lord Ashura Mazda, Magic breeder reactor, Information King Akashic Records, Lustful King Asmodeus, Battle Mode, True Dragon Transformation(Locked), Evil Dragon Lord Ashik da haka, etc.

Other skills: True Demon Lord Haki, True Dragon Spirit Haki, Steel Trend, Poisonous Breath, Body Armor, etc.

Magic: Elemental Magic, True Dragon Magic, Primitive Magic, Vampire Magic

Resistance: Pain Nullification, All Elements Resistance, Mental attack resistance, Poison Resistance, etc.

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