Ch 7: The Black Primordial

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Years have passed since Shizuku, Miya, and Shizue became friends They enjoy each other's Company and help each other when in need the three also formed a Party.

Shizuku and Miya head back to  Ruberios from time to time to See if there's any problem.

And with Miya and Shizue, Luminous or Shizuku have gotten a liking to girls' clothing even more.

Today the three were shopping for clothes since they three Just Finished a guild Quest which made the three earn quite a lot of money.

The three started to head towards a clothing shop and started to pick Clothes that they would buy.

'ahh there are too many choices' Shizuku said as she tried to Choose the clothes that she would bring.

'this one looks lovely with its Blue Color but this one too is quite Cute which one should I choose' Shizuku or Luminous said to her Mind

'fufufu Master has become even more feminine in the past Years' Ciel said through Luminous mind

'well what could I say living for thousands of years Made me take a liking to these' Shizuku said

Even without those years, Luminous will still show more Feminine Sides since Luminous and Rimuru's souls are now completely merged.

"Shizuku-chan are you done choosing?"

"Ahh Shizue-san I'm almost done," Shizuku said

After a while, the three finished choosing their clothes witch Shizuku end up buying both dresses.


After they buy their clothes They decided to Eat at a nearby Cafe.

While they are eating they were Approached by a Man.

"Excuse me ladies but are you three perhaps Shizuku, Miya and Shizue?" The man asks them

"Yes" Shizuku replied

"I was sent by the guild master to look for you three to deliver these letters," The man said as he pulled out a white envelope with a red Sealed wax on it

Shizuku then accepted the Letter and the man left after that.

After the man left Shizuku opened the letter and read it.

"What does it say?" Shizue ask Shizuku

"The guild wants the three of us to accept a Mission and the guild master wants us to meet us Later this afternoon," Shizuku said

"We can't even have a Day off," Miya said

"Well Let's just see what the guild master has to say and we can decide if we would accept the Quest or not," Shizue said

"Your right, anyway just enjoy our day for now," Shizuku said as she continues to eat.


At noon the three headed to the guild headquarters in Ingracia and when they enter everyone was looking at them.

Some of the male adventurers even have a lustful eye when looking at the three and wanted to talk to them but they were Imidiatly stopped by their fellow adventurers who know the three.

And when they say that the three were the Elemental Conquerors they Imidiatly stop and covered their Little sons.

"Hello, we're here to see the guild Master," Shizuku said to the receptionist and the Lady that was in charge Imidiatly show them the room where the guild master are in.

"Guild Master where here as you requested," Shizuku said

"Ohh Thanks for answering my summon please have a seat," the guild master said

The three then seat side by side on a sofa opposite to the guild master, The receptionist girl who lead them to the room Returns with a cup of tea and puts them on the table.

After the lady left the guild master hand them over a Paper.

Shizuku, Shizue and Miya then look at the content of the paper.

"A personal Guild Request?" Shizue said

"Yes It's a request from the guild it is about the investigation and extermination of a demon in the Kingdom of Filtwood," the guild master said

"If it's just a demon would high Ranking Adventurers would be able to deal with them?" Miya said

"Indeed but all of the adventures that accept the request didn't come back and the Silver wing duo Accepted the request just earlier and were waiting for their reports" The guild master replied

"What do you guys think" Shizuku ask the two

"I would like To help them," Shizue said

"I would go where ever you both go," Miya said

"Alright we'll accept this request," Shizuku said

"Thank you very much," the guild master said.

The three then leave the guild to ready for their departure.


On a dark night, a woman, bloodied, battered, and sat next to the corpse of her dead companion, is using her own blood to complete a ritual.

The ritual in question was a Demon summoning, after the woman Finished Drawing the Summoning circle she spoke.

"Come please come to me" The woman didn't use the right words for summoning but it still works the summoning circle Glows Bright red and there came out a man with a black outfit he had Black hair with Red & Yellow Streaks.

"Come please come to me" The woman didn't use the right words for summoning but it still works the summoning circle Glows Bright red and there came out a man with a black outfit he had Black hair with Red & Yellow Streaks

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"Kufufufu what is a Mortal Summoned me for"

"Please If you grant my Wish you can have my soul Just please make them pay," The woman said

"Kufufufu very well," the man said as he devoured the souls of the girl

"Hmm these payments will only last for a few days so to extend the contract I will use your body as a substitute," the man said


The morning have come and when Shizuku, Miya and Shizue were preparing to leave to head towards the Kingdom of Filtwood a bad news Arrive in the guild it says that the silver wings pair was now missing like the Other adventures and the only remains that they found was their blooded Clothes.

Everyone was in disarray since a strong demon appeared again they are fearing that it was another Primordial.

Everyone knew about the Legends about the Red Primordial who was said to Destroy two Powerful kingdoms and become the first one of the four ancient Demon Lords.

The other tail was about the white Primordial the one who caused the infamous "Lake Shore Dyed Scarlet Incident" which Takes the life of over a Million People.

And now they are fearing for another Incident like the legends were told will happen again

For Luminous and Miya these tail was not new to them since they are aware of what happened during those times and Luminous herself witness the "Lake Shore Dyed Scarlet Incident".

But those Worries were Imidiatly Stop when they heard that the Three Heroes will Go to the kingdom of Filtwood.



New chapter Hope you guys like it

Up next: Heroes and Demon

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