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We fall asleep talking on the phone. I only realize when I startle awake, my arm jerking into the computer monitor. My phone falls from my hand and hangs from its charger over the side of the desk. Grabbing it, I hold it up on my ear, listening for any sounds of George.
"George?" I finally ask since it's silent on the other end. My voice is groggy. "Goggy?" I try again.
"Mmm, Dream."
The sound of George's sleep heavy voice saying my name nearly shakes all exhaustion and cramping from my body, my mind full of heavy, intoxicating joy.
"Good morning, Sunshine."
"I need you now, Clay." George's voice is nearly inaudible.
"W-what?" I ask, nearly choking on my tongue.
"Hmm?" His voice is high pitched but still thick with sleep. I can picture him curled up in a crisp hotel bed, the space beside him empty, his hair a mess. If I were with him, would he curl into me?
I shake the thought away. "Earth to George."
I look at the time and realize it's only 5 AM here so it's 10 AM for him.
In sync bb.
And soon we'll be in the same house. But not the same bed, I remind myself, when my thoughts go astray.
"Dream?" George sounds a little more lively. "Did we fall asleep on the phone?"
"Morning, Sunshine," I say again.
The gurgled groan from George sends my head in a spin again. Breathe. It's only George.
"Please don't tell me I say stupid shit in my sleep Dream."
"You call me Clay instead of Dream."
"Shut up," he scoffs. "As if I talk about you in my sleep."
"Ha!" My laugh stops completely when I realize, did he intentionally admit he needs me? Or was he sleep talking?
"When I get home, you're showing me your face, knick or not."
I hesitate. After Sapnap cut my cheek, I made him stop. "Okay, but like, my hair is crazy, he didn't even cut it properly."
George squeals on the other end and I feel like dancing. Instead, I stand my muscles, my back popping a couple of times.
"That's disgusting."
"Hey, that's what happens when I sleep in my chair."
"You weren't in a proper bed?"
I giggle at his English phrasing. "No, George."
I don't want to let him go, but I know Sapnap will be annoyed, in his sweet subtle way, if I'm dead for the day we have planned.
Thankfully, there's a bed behind my computer and I crawl into it and pull the soft blanket over me. "I hate to do this, but I gotta go back to sleep."
George grumbles and I can't help but wheeze. "You're gonna just leave me alone to myself?"
His words nearly steal my breath away. "It'd be easier if you were here."
His silence is defeating, skin crawling.
"Because then you could entertain Sapnap so I could sleep all day," I quickly amend.
"Right, because you'd rather have me and Sap together instead of you and I."
He sighs and it feels tense for a long moment.
"Fine, you can watch me sleep, but not in this room," I say, grasping at straws to right my wrong.
George laughs and it's such a relief. "I'd do more than watch you."
I wheeze as he stammers and I can picture his face brightening.
"No, I meant, I'd torture you."
"Sure, George, whatever you say."
I don't remember falling asleep, only waking up to a text from George.

Goggy: You're a loud sleeper. I better be getting my own room.
Goggy: ... or get me noise cancelling headphones.

Music plays in my mind. Heat Waves, specifically, as I read his text, then reread it again.
My head is dizzy as I shower and brush my curls back. The top is a mess but I dress in a simple pink shirt and shorts.
Sap is ready by the door wearing a baseball cap and sweatshirt with shorts. He's holding Patches.
"Woah, you look rough."
"Thanks!" I laugh, patting him on the back. "Let's get to Disney Springs."
"Finally!" He exclaims, gently placing Patches on the ground who looks thankful to be set down.
Sap offers to drive and I try hard to resist looking at my phone the entire drive over.
"Are you excited?" Sap asks. He's wearing the biggest grin. He really is one of the nicest people I've ever known.
"For watch shopping?"
He chuckles. "To see George."
"Of course. You are too, right?" I clear my throat and sit up.
Sap lifts an eyebrow at me, his grin expanding. "No one expects you two to hook up on camera, but you two definitely have chemistry."
I rub my face with my hands. "I know... but what if..?" I'm not sure how to continue the question. There are a million what if scenarios I've run through in my mind and none of them are promising.
"It's gonna be great, Clay. Just show him your face tonight and count down the days."
I nod eagerly. I know. I know because I've been giving myself the exact pep talk since we agreed to have George move in with us. Since his visa was approved.
The last two years were so difficult. When my visa was denied, I was in a dark place, a heavy slump. George and Sap got me through it.
"Are you excited about the face reveal?"
There's a huge, dorky smile growing on my face and I accept it. "I can't even tell you how nervously excited I am. Now, tell me, how are you?"
I'm done talking about myself, I need to be a good friend and change the subject; change the direction of the spotlight. Which ultimately, is the purpose of the face reveal.
A way for me to join in on the fun with my friends.

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