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"That didn't take long at all!" Sapnap's voice startles me awake. "You're both adorable!"
I wriggle free from Dream's grip and turn to see Sapnap holding a confetti popper and shooting me in the face with multicolored string.
Dream groans, and I bolt from the bed, sending Sapnap an evil grin.
"Oh shit!" Sapnap shouts and tears out of the room, and I chase after him.
I glance back at Dream to see he's tucked into my bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Oh, Sapnaaaaaaap!" I say, barreling toward his room after him.
"George, no!" I tackle him to the ground, realizing he's filming as he shoves a camera in my face.
"Sap, you fool!" I hold him down and wrestle the camera away and shout into it. "He's a fool! And now I'm going to torture him!"
I drop the camera, and all that's visible is me holding Nick's arms down above his head and I start hacking.
Nick's face scrunches in disgust, his mouth hanging open in horror. "I won't film you and Dream anymore! I promise!"
I stop my hacking and grin. "Oh, we don't mind."
Sap's eyes go wide.
"Is that so?" Dream's voice asks behind me. "When you're done fooling around, can we leave?"
"No, George needs to shower first," Nick says, still struggling to break free.
Dream shuffles behind me, and I feel arms pull me from Sapnap. "Will I be breaking up fights all the time now?"
Sapnap flips to his stomach and crawls away desperately.
"If he's going to be an idiot, then yes," I say, looking up at Clay. He's rolling his eyes at me.
"This is our life now," Sap says, looking ready to lunge at us.
"Go shower, idiots." Dream is smiling as he turns away and leaves the room.
"Yes, Dad," Sapnap and I say in unison.
"So, you two slept together?"
My body jolts. Yes. Well, no. Sort of?
"Not really," I answer, sitting back.
Sapnap's room is surprisingly clean. There are anime posters all over the walls, and his bed is the only messy thing in sight.
Sap lifts an eyebrow at me. "Not really?"
Picking at the carpet, I roll my eyes. Yes, I asked Dream to stay, and he held me all night. I can still feel his strong arms around me. And we kissed. "We haven't talked about what we are yet," I finally say.
"It's not like you've had that much time together anyway." Sapnap stands and extends an arm to me. He helps me to my feet, and I decide I should shower.
I notice a door in Sap's room. "You get a private bathroom?"
He shrugs. "I've been here longer."
I stick my tongue out at him and leave his room, searching for the 'public' bathroom.
After showering and dressing, we're all loaded into Dream's car. I claim the back to stretch out and tease the other two.
I reach the driver's seat and feel for Dream's sweater strings. "Are you wearing blue for me, Dream?"
He swats at my hand, but I can sense his smile. "Of course, George."
"Can we go to the pet store?" Sap asks, reaching back and jabbing me in the chest.
"Ouch!" I leap forward and grab his wenis.
"Not cool!" Sap says, and we begins a slap fight.
"You two, don't make me get electric collars for you both!" Dream threatens.
"Yes, Dad," Sapnap and I say in unison again. Then we're all laughing.
"We're here!"
I read the name of the business, World's Best Pet Boutique.
We go inside, and it's massive! "You should hold my hand, so you don't get lost," Dream says with a wide grin.
"Yeah, we can't lose you on your first full day in America!" Sapnap says, tugging me to the right. "Let's go look at animals!"
I roll my eyes and shrug at Dream, who only follows behind us with a smile. I allow Sapnap to pull me along, though my focus isn't on the store, the animals, or the collars we try on. My mind keeps tugging me back to that kiss. And we haven't talked since we slept in the same bed. We slept together.
Dream seems relatively normal, but I feel like we're oceans apart again. I try to shake away these uncertain feelings, remembering we have time. We're best friends who live together now.
Once we've filmed a few TikTok's and taken ridiculous pictures, we head to Disney Springs for lunch, and Dream says we need to buy matching watches.
The conversation dies down, and Dream turns on music. The song is upbeat, and I can't help but bounce side to side and tap my foot.
Sapnap is bouncing around and starts taking selfies.
The string of lyrics registers in my mind, and I feel eyes on me and meet Dream's gaze for a moment in the mirror.

When the road began to crumble in front of my eyes
There was only one person I wanted to find
It was you, it was you, it was you
It was you, it was you, it was you
Darling, hey

His eyes crinkle from a smile, returning his focus to the road.
The song changes, and I clear my throat and ask, "When do we leave for Twitch Con?" I lean against the backseat and fiddle with my phone. I'm half expecting texts or calls from Dream, but he's right in front of me.
"I booked our flights for the 6th," Dream says, turning down the music.
"And I found us the coolest suite!" Sapnap says, leaning back and shoving his phone in my face. "Look!"
I take it from him with a scowl and scroll through the pictures. It's a big room with two private rooms and a living area with a couch and a mini kitchen.
"Am I sleeping on the couch?" I ask, tossing Sapnap's phone back to him.
"We haven't decided yet," Dream says with a laugh.
"What do I have to do to get in your room?"
"Whaaaaaat?" Dream shouts, the entire car jolting to one side before he rights it.
"Don't get us killed!" I shout, grabbing onto my seatbelt.
Sapnap laughs maniacally.
We pull into the parking lot, and there are tons of people, families, and people our age, and older, all eager to walk around the place called Disney Springs.
I should be thrilled, but all I want is to run my fingers through Dream's curls. To take him home and talk in private.
Dream parks, then whips around to face me. "You're going to love it here, George."
"Why?" I ask with a smile.
"Because I love it! Come on, let's goooooo!"
"Yes! Let's goooo!" Sap says, jumping out of the car.

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