Chap 2

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Hehe im back bitches alr lets go

After maybe an hour or so I walked to my car him following behind me, "Yes?" I just looked at the boy obviously cold from the weather. "Could you maybe give me a ride?" I chuckled and nodded unlocking my doors and getting in, I slipped off my heels and grabbed my slides from the back sliding them onto my feet, while doing that I feel the somewhat judgemental stare coming from Jay.

"What? I'd like to see you even try to walk in those let alone drive." He just chuckled, "I don't see anything funny." I backed out as soon as I said that and he got quiet making me laugh to myself, how shy. "I need your address." he was zoned out and looked at me "My what?" I sighed and stopped at the red light then looked at him one hand on the steering wheel one hand in my hair before I started driving again. "Your address babyboy, you know the numbers on the place you stay in and the street" he just looked at me blankly "wha- OHHHHH 567 west oakside st" (praying this aint a place 😭) "Finally."

I put it into my gps before following the directions and talking to him, I was pretty good with driving so I only used one hand making him stare at me for a while, "What?" he just shook his head and looked away making me roll my eyes. I pulled up to house and turned off my car. "Come one you gotta get your door Jay." He nodded and ran to his door unlocking it and walking in taking off his shoes and slipping on some slides so I just left mine on.

"Cute home." I sat down on his couch crossing my legs and looking at him. "T-thanks, so I have a question.." I just looked at him watching as he sat beside me, "Would you ever get talked about by your friends for being a uh.... a uhm b-bottom" I laughed at him for a second before realizing this was a genuine question. "Babyboy do I act or look like a bottom?" he shook his head no and looked down. " My friends said all girl liked being dommed down though and I feel like less of a man when I-" I put my hand over his mouth.

"Enough with the toxic masculinity Jay. damn." He just looked at me and nodded I placed my hand on his thigh very gently and he just looked at me lightly shook so I chuckle. "If you want me to dom you just say that baby." "Alright, fuck me. " I looked at him shocked for a second and almost questioning whether or not he was joking before he kissed me, so as a result I pushed him back onto the couch amd sat on top kissing him. His hands trailed up my waist and I smacked them away. "Bad boy."

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