Ch.45 Marion's Repressed Skillset

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"When you need to make a statement, you should do it in a way that shouldn't be ignored." Marion scooped up his plate and pounced on the waitress. Even if she was an assassin, she hadn't ever had a chair thrown at her before.

Marion caught her by the collar and shoved the still steaming plate of food in her face. "How dare you poison my food like this. Can you taste it!? Can you taste how you ruined the Umami with your cheap poison! The umami of this place's food is what makes it special, and you have the nerve to ruin it! Should I tell the chefs of this transgression? I'll have them chop of and fry your fingers and when I feed them to you, you will cry because how delicious they will taste, you two-bit knockoff Martha Stewart wannabe!" Marion smothered the girls face and then he enchanted his hand with the opposite of [light foot] which he now lovingly dubbed [Heavy hand] as he brought his fist down on the woman's food-covered face as the plate of hot food slid away.

There was a crunching sound that indicated that he had damaged the bones in her face, and she was out like a light. Marion stood up and wiped off his hand with napkin he swiped from another table as he returned to his own.

"Judging by your reaction I'm assuming assassinations aren't exactly foreign in your experience?" Marion asked as he stole an empty chair and set it down at the table.

"It's a shame too because I was really enjoying our conversation." Prudence picked up one of the silver knives and stood up.

"But it was all about you?" Marion pulled off his suit jacket and set it on the chair. Then he pulled off his tie and began wrapping it around his left hand's knuckles.

"You say that like there are better topics. I was having so much fun in fact that I am going to join you in expelling the other ruffians since they soured the mood." Prudence flicked her wrist and a wand appeared in it. "This may be a fair bit forward of me, but would you care to dance with me for a third day in a row?"

"It IS a bit forward, and shameless. But I don't mind being pursued by one of the most important women in the Empire. It fuels my humble ego." Marion undid his top button as the mood of the crowded restaurant shifted. The patrons all seemed to act on someone's order or a mutual understanding and stood up.

"Humble?!" Prudence scoffed as her two guards stepped out of the shadows. "And you are calling me shameless." Her guards each wore black uniforms with purple accents. They had matching masks that covered their faces that looked like steampunk gas masks. Together they drew long swords.

"Your highness, it is dangerous, stay behind us." one of them said, muffled slightly from his mask. He looked at Marion holding back on whether he should shelter the young count as well and deliberating the consequences of not offering since he didn't care for Marion much for being so disrespectful to his lady.

"Don't bother yourself, I ain't had a good scrap since the mana-touched hobgoblins took over the copper mines a month and a half ago." Marion gave a toothy grin as he rubbed his fists together.

As found as Marion was of his upper crust lifestyle, he missed the old days back when he was a college student prone to bar fights. It was a dark time in his life where he drank himself sick in grief and was kicked out of more bars than he dared to count. He was even scouted by one to be a bodyguard.

One day he gave a proper Karen the beating of her life, and she well deserved it. However, the whole event nearly cost him everything. He was taken to court and lucked out that the footage caught her properly assaulting him. She was even wielding a knife that he hadn't noticed before. He won the case easily once that footage was released and the entitled Karen screamed when the case flipped and she was charged with attempted murder.

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