Chapter Eleven

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I wake up with a small jolt, looking around me at the bland but large bedroom.

I check for a clock, which I find on the nightstand closest to me. It reads 6 am.

I stand, wobbling slightly at first, before fully finding my footing.

I quickly make my way towards my door. Stepping outside, I see Josh standing at my door, "Morning" My voice is almost a whisper as he nods towards me.

I quickly walk out of the hallway that leads to my wing. I haven't explored my wing yet. Hell, I've not even explored the rest of the house.

I see Grayson as I exit the doors to my wing. He's about to go down the stairs.

"Gray," I hear myself before I think about calling out to him.

He quickly turns towards me, his brows furrowed before he speedwalks my way.

"Morning," I offer him a smile, "Good morning, Ash" He smiles back. His smile is small and slightly awkward, but it's there.

You can see it in his eyes more than his mouth when he smiles. His eyes scrunch slightly, the silver becoming brighter.

He slowly reaches up, gently brushing my cheek, where I had the bandaid from yesterday, before his eyes dart to my nose, the bruise still prominent.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his voice filled with concern.

I nod, smiling once more, "I slept it off," I smile. I was talking more about the pain pounding throughout my head yesterday, which was now minimized.

"We can have him dealt with. He won't be allowed anywhere near you or your sisters Ash," Grayson spoke, his voice once again serious as his smile disappeared.

I nod, not saying anything in response because what really is there to say?

"You coming to get breakfast?" Grayson quickly asks, nodding his head towards the stairs just as someone walks up them.

"Oh, you're awake" Alisa is surprised as she sees the two of us talking.

She quickly makes a b-line towards us, walking faster than Grayson had only minutes prior."I see your injuries still haven't healed you won't go to school today to make sure we are still able to control the narrative, as I was hoping to get you and Avery settled into Heights Country Day for a few days before the news got out, but since there will most likely be paparazzi we don't want them seeing you with injuries" Alisa rambled on slightly.

So me trying to protect my sisters would be bad for the narrative, or the fact that we had suffered abuse would be bad for the narrative.

"Okay," I respond shortly, nodding before she turns to leave before stopping once more and handing me a phone.

"What's this for?" I quickly ask. I have a working phone in my room.

"It has a new number. I've already programmed my number, Mr. Laughlin's, and Josh's numbers into it. If you need anything, call."

She quickly walks out of the room and down the stairs as I stare at the phone in my hands.

"I'll come down for breakfast in a bit. I'm going to get changed," I whisper, to which Grayson nods.

I quickly rush back to my bedroom, showering quickly before grabbing some pale cream, almost white dress pant styled jeans, and a large black t-shirt.

I quickly tuck the t-shirt in, it being baggy enough to make me seem almost flat-chested, grabbing some socks and slipping my black converses on.

I quickly tuck the t-shirt in, it being baggy enough to make me seem almost flat-chested, grabbing some socks and slipping my black converses on

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I quickly walk out of my room, both phones in my hands as I quickly try to transfer things I might need.

My photos, my sisters' numbers, and a few select numbers of people from my old school.

I quickly message the group chats I'm in for my sports on my old phone.

sorry for leaving on such short notice. Y'all were such good teammates <3

I got responses almost immediately I know that the girls on my sports teams are trustworthy. They wouldn't say anything just for a quick buck.

I spot Grayson waiting outside my wing. Sliding my phones into my pocket, I stand next to him.

He's tall. It seems pretty common among the Hawthorne Brothers. He's a few inches shorter than Xander.

He's leaning against the wall, on his phone, when I nudge him lightly from his side, causing a slight but noticeable smile to spread across his face.

"Hey," I smile up at him as he slides his phone into his pocket.

He's wearing a suit. It's like he's never not wearing one at this point.

The two of us quickly walk toward the dining room. Grayson is leading the way as I look around at the walls.

The walls are covered in art. There are family portraits everywhere. You could tell Tobias Hawthorne valued family.

I feel myself stop as I quickly turn in a circle, taking in all the artwork.

I catch a sunrise from a window, its beautiful orange, pink, and blue hues.

I see Grayson standing next to me from the corner of my eye. A small laugh escapes his lips; this is one of the first times I've heard him laugh. But, God, that laugh is angelic. I want to hear more. I want to make him laugh more.

"It's beautiful," I whisper as my eyes fixate on the sky outside the window. A small sigh of contentment leaves my lips as I turn to glance at Grayson.

Grayson is smiling down at me. He nods as he turns his gaze to face out of the window.

"Come on, if we wait any longer, Jameson will eat all the best stuff" He smiles as he takes hold of my hand gently.

I let him take my hand. It's probably just, so I dont stop and wander off again.

We quickly make it to the dining room. I see Jameson, Nash, and Libby already there, along with Skye, the boy's mother, and Zara, their aunt.

"So you aren't afraid of making friends with the enemy then," I hear Jameson announce as we walk in.

My brows furrow as I hear the words. Do they see us as enemies? like genuine enemies? "Shut it, Jamie," Nash quickly says before a fight can break out.

"Aren't you going to school? That's not the uniform?" Nash then turns his attention to me as Grayson and I sit down.

I feel my cheeks flush, "Alisa said she didn't want me to go today, something about controlling the narrative," my voice is barely above a whisper as I gesture towards my face with my spear hand.

Paparazzi//Grayson HawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now