Chapter Twenty-Five

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When I woke up the next morning, Alisa was in the room I was in.

"Morning Ashlyn, I heard about the incident from yesterday, I hope you're feeling better, but it is best if you attend school again today," Alisa speaks, her voice stern.

I nod, slowly sitting up in bed.

Alisa walked out of the room almost as quickly as she entered.

I got up quickly, making my way toward Xander's wing, where my uniform was.

As I walk through the doors to his wing, he leaves his bedroom.

"Ash! I was just about to come to get you" He smiles quickly as he follows me into the room.

"Are you feeling okay this morning? I know yesterday was stressful with everything that happened," Xander quickly asks, closing the door after me as I grab my uniform.

"I'm okay, everything is slightly confusing right now, but I'll figure it all out eventually. I've just got to work on one thing at a time. I think," I smile a small smile at him before ducking into the bathroom, quickly getting changed.

He's talking about a robot he's making as I get changed. It's another dragon robot to replace the one he apparently managed to blow up last week.

"Have you decided what sport you might do for school? We have to do a sport," Xander asks as we start to walk toward the front door.

We stop in the kitchen before we leave, Xander exclaiming that he needs scones or he might just die.

As we make it to the car, it's only Xander and me.

Avery is apparently being talked to by Alisa in the other car. She apparently made her first public appearance yesterday and now has the media up in flames.

"If you wanted, we could stay home from school, Ash," Xander's voice is quiet. He can definitely tell I'm nervous.

"No, we can't. We have to control the narrative, if what happened yesterday is so public and then I don't go to school on my second day since I couldn't go on my supposed to be first day, then people will talk, and we can't have that because Alisa will be mad" I let out a small sigh.

"Well, if at any point you want to leave or even just get out of class or anything, then just message me, and I can take you somewhere," Xander quickly says, gently taking my hand in his.I have figured that one of Xander's main love languages is physical touch.

I smile up at him, nodding slightly as we pull into the gates of the school.

"Ready?" Xander asks, his eyes moving from his window to me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I smile as I grab my things.

We both step out of the car. I see people staring. I know that there are rumors that have spread about not only me but also Xander in just the two times we have been spotted together.

As I look around, trying to meet at least someone's eyes, almost as though I'm daring them to stare, to come over and talk to me instead of sitting up on their high horses, assuming everything about me.

No one meets my eyes. As soon as I look at people, they look away. They won't even look at me if I am openly looking in their direction.

"You've got this, Ash," Xander whispers as he leans down slightly, trying to get closer to my height.

A girl with straight, long black hair walks up to us. It's the girl from yesterday, Thea.

"Thea," Xander speaks, his tone almost warning her.

"You must be Ashlyn. I am Thea Calligaris," Thea speaks, holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Actually, Thea, they go by Ash."


Xander and I speak at the same time, causing small smiles to spread across both of our faces as I reach my own hand out to shake Thea's.

"You go by Ash?" Thea questions, does she need to know everything?

"Yes. I go by Ash," I quickly state, letting go of her hand and returning my own to my side.

"Funny that your sister, Avery, goes by her full name, but to each their own," Thea quickly speaks, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

Why does she need to bring up Avery?

"Anyway, I will be staying at Hawthorne House for some time starting tonight, so I'm glad I'll be getting to know you better," She states, an almost sickly smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry?" I quickly say, interrupting her before she can turn away.

"Thea is my aunt, Zara's husband's niece," Xander quickly speaks, directing me away from Thea.

"She's also satans grandchild," Xander whispers as we walk away, causing a small laugh to leave my lips.

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