It's all coming back

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It was dead long ago, But it's all coming back to me.
It's so hard to resist, And it's all coming back to me.
I can barely recall; But it's all coming back to me now

But it's all coming back!


You woke up to a feather-light touch on your face, and you slowly opened your eyes to see Lucy, who was pulling her hand back with wide eyes and flushed cheeks when she saw you were waking up. "my apologies! I was-Walter asked me to check on you" she whispered, wringing her hands together nervously. You just blinked, then yawned, getting a nice stretch out on Walter's study couch as Lucy took a seat on the love seat next to it.

"That's nice of him" you muttered, rubbing the back of your head, feeling the scar you had gotten from falling all those years ago, was gone. you rolled your shoulders, no pain there either, and when you felt for the scratches, there weren't any bandages.

You smiled, shaking your head with a huff as you set your feet on the floor, glancing up at Lucy as she nervously stared back. "Thank you," you whispered, giving the nervous woman a genuine smile "for checking up on me, you didn't have to" Lucy's nervousness seemed to melt away and she smiled back, tilting her head slightly.

"Of course, it was no problem...hungry? Walter is out doing some business, Evie is still asleep though" you hummed, sitting back and then shaking your head "I could eat" you muttered, getting to your feet and following Lucy out to the patio, suddenly realizing you had a jacket around your shoulders.

'it smells like him' you thought, bringing the collar to your nose. He was so sweet. When you got to the table, you realized there were only two chairs, no one else would be joining you then. "Just the two of us?" you asked, smirking as Lucy flushed as she shrugged.

"Usually I eat breakfast with Viktoria, but she's uh...not feeling well, I suppose" Lucy muttered, glancing towards the manor. Something happened last night after you were attacked. Probably something to do with Walter.

You brushed it off, if you hadn't been told yet, it probably wasn't all too important. You busied yourself with decorating your pancakes and grabbing the bowl of strawberries, offering one to Lucy. She took it, albeit hesitantly, humming to herself as she bit into it. Her eyes closed as if she hadn't actually eaten anything in years "I forgot how good these were" she mumbled, flushing a bit as you laughed gently.

"I know right?" you giggled, setting down the bowl and grabbing one for yourself "Walter said they've come from the same source for centuries, so they've probably perfected their strawberries over the years" Lucy nodded in agreement, reaching out to grab another strawberry.

"So," Lucy cleared her throat into her fist, licking up the juice that ran down her chin "how did you and Harrison meet?" you leaned back in your chair, trying to remember how you had met him when Lucy's eyes widened "Oh shoot! Right! Memory loss, forgive me I completely forgot!" Lucy looked as if she shot herself in the foot, her shoulders slumping as you laughed and waved your hand in dismissal.

"No no no! It's okay! It's just that..." you remembered how you met him; the memory was as clear as the day above you. "we-we met when we were kids...his family had just moved to Whitby family was wandering the town and-we locked eyes and-" you remembered it as if it was yesterday, traveling into town with your family to meet with the blacksmith when you saw him.

The youngest and only son of the Deville family, Harrison; a boy no older than 7, no older than you at the time, with the brightest ocean blue eyes and a smile that could outshine the sun. You remembered locking eyes with him and-and from then on, you couldn't get him out of your mind.

Once upon a December - The invitation- Walter Deville x readerWhere stories live. Discover now