deleted/alternate ending

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You hit the floor with a smack, coughing as Viktoria's hand curled around your neck and squeezed. You frantically hit at her arm, pained tears in your eyes as you tried to free yourself "(y/n)!" Evie called, grabbing a vase from a pedestal and throwing it at Viktoria's back, swallowing as the enraged vampire turned on her, tossing you to the floor and turning on Evie, smacking her to the floor with a swift swing from her clawed hand.

You coughed as you regained your stolen breath, sitting up with wide eyes as Viktoria grabbed Evie and shoved her against the wall-hard, Evie's head smacking with a harsh crack. If Evie had still been human-that probably would've killed her. Evie kicked Viktoria back with both feet-nearly crumbling to the ground as Viktoria hit the stairway.

"Stupid girls" Viktoria hissed, her eyes nearly demonic under the dim light of the room, cracking her neck as she got back to her feet-her dark dress trailing across the floor as she stalked you and Evie like prey. You glared back, feeling your necklace warm up against your skin, red glowing energy gathering in your palms "you really think you can change, the last 500 years, just like that?" Evie huffed, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you back towards her-hoping to protect you.

"I killed him" you frowned, remembering when Evie had taken one of the candle sticks and stabbed your beloved in the chest-she hadn't known the plan between you and Harrison to save her-and ended up trying to kill him. "it's over." Viktoria just laughed, showing off her still present fangs "Silly girl, if he were dead-I wouldn't be able to do this~" within a flash she was on the two of you, her arm reared back to stab Evie in the chest-only to be caught by your magic. You bared your teeth at her, tossing her back in a fluid motion.

"How-" Evie breathed-eyes wide as she took in your abilities, your eyes and necklace glowing red along with your hands. "Evie-get out of here, now." You hissed, pushing her to the side as Viktoria leaped back at you, swiping at you with her claws-some catching on your exposed skin and face. Evie froze for a moment, wanting to help-but you pushed her towards the doors with your magic and she ran off-telling you to be careful as she did.

You hissed as she cut into your cheek and you pushed her back again-hoping somehow Harrison would pull through the wound Evie had given him and help you take down Viktoria so you could end this nightmare once and for all.

You let out a low huff, bringing your hands up and grabbing at her wrists with your magic-eyes widening as you saw something dangling between her fingers. "No-" she had your necklace, and her eyes were glinting with vile intention "stop-you don't know what you're doing!" Viktoria just cackled, dropping the necklace and stomping on it, turning the crystal to dust beneath her heel.

You released her, hands covering your mouth as you felt your heart crack-something within you breaking as Viktoria stumbled back, suddenly feeling very weak. "What-" she muttered, bringing her hands up, eyes widening as she only saw her human nails, and her fangs were gone-her inhuman strength no longer coursing through her veins "What-" she looked up at you, seeing you crumble to the floor, tears streaming down your face as you looked down at the destroyed crystal.

"What was that?" Viktoria screeched, suddenly feeling as if she had only doomed herself instead of winning a battle. You shook your head slowly, your chin dropping to your chest. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Viktoria screeched again, running up to you and grabbing your neck, barely able to force you to your feet.

"That-that was Harrison's soul" you whispered, voice cracking with grief. You had lost him, again. Your beloved Harrison was taken away from you once again, and you had a feeling you couldn't bring him back this time. "The gem was what bound him to this earth...and what gave him his powers, and in turn...yours." you were dropped back down to the floor, letting yourself fall nearly limp as Viktoria whispered horrifying words to herself, gasping as her skin began to crack, turning to dust before her very eyes.

Once upon a December - The invitation- Walter Deville x readerWhere stories live. Discover now