1. Family L/N

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Before we start.. I was imagining that you guys will kinda look that that. Just with bigger wings and of cause the colours would be your decision and how you dress, how long your hair is or what colour ect. But yeah you are some kind of Demon/Dragon or Bird mutant. I hope thats okay!

And you will have a symbol on your back

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And you will have a symbol on your back.

And you will have a symbol on your back

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Like this. If you dont like it or your religion doesnt approve then you can change it! (Also credits go to the original creator of the pictures above! They dont belong to me!)

'Hello' - your thoughts
'Hello' - Your Family speaking
'Hello'- you speaking

Onto the story now!


3rd person POV•

* BEEP BEEP * . . . * BEEP BEEP *

"Ugh.." Y/N groaned as his alarm went off once again, he turned to look at the clock '06:45' he stared at it for a moment  and sat up, turned it off and stared at the walls in his room. He hated mornings, he had to see his family each day. They always ate together, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. He truly hated it.

Everytime they ate together, everyone would eat as much as they can, except for Y/N.

"Y/N! GET DOWN NOW YOU UNGREATFUL BRAT!" That was his father.. always yells at him for no reason at all. 'Asshole..' Y/N muttert to himself.

He slowly got out of bed, put on some clothes and went downstairs. "Finally! Took you long enough! Do you want us to starve to death?!" Yelled his older sister Alice.

His Family is really big and none of them really respected him.
He has 3 older sisters, named Mira, Alice and Sonia.
But he also has 4 older Brothers, named Jace, Jackson, Ben and Xavier.
He was the youngest and also has alot of cousins but listing them all would take forever and he doesnt remember all of them or their names. (me neither-) There are so fucking many, he couldnt care less.

Y/N stayed silent and sat down at the table while the others started devouring the food.
He didnt like eating with his family for different reasons:
1. They all eat like pigs and he hated that he always heard them chewing.
2. They would always give him cold stares/glares which pisses him off.
3. They never leave much food left for him.


They all were done eating at this point.
Y/N felt relieved that they stopped chewing so loudly, it was disgusting...

It was time for him to clean the dishes now. He didnt really mind cleaning them, he even enjoyed it. It was a time where he could be alone for a while. Without his annoying family.

After he was done washing the dishes he sighed and mumbled to himself. "Well.. I'm done, so I guess I have to go to the others again..yaaaay..."

He headed out of the kitchen and into the main hall where everyone else was.
'Here we go again..' He thought as he entered the hall.

"We are here to remember ourselfes that we are superior to others! We are the L/N clan, a family, a bond. We are a unit and will always stick together! To us!" Said the oldest L/N.
Y/N's grandfather. Everyone else cheered.

'We will always stick together! We are superior! We are a "family"!...family my ass..'

After the whole speech and daily morning routine, Y/N headed back to his room in hopes to be left alone for some time.

He closed the door slowly so that he wont make any sound. He learned how to be quite after living with his family his whole life. It was acutally quite easy.

He went over to his bed and grabed his sketchbood that was hidden under it. He took out a pen from his nightstand and started sketching.

He was finally able to have some time for himself but... it didnt take long until it was ruined...



'Great... and I was just staring to relax again.. now this bitches want to trow darts at me. Could be worse I suppose.'

He hid his sketchbook under the bed again and put the pen back.
He got up from his bed and walked to the door but before he opened it to go downstairs, he made a promise to himself.




'I will get out of here one day.. I will be free from everything..'

And with that, he opened his door and went downstairs...


Hello! I'm sorry that I didnt post another chapter sooner but I just had no motivation. I'm still pretty drained from school and people but here is a new one! I hope that it turned out okay! And I know its a rather short one.. the next one will be longer!

And I wont be updating the following week because my class will have a 'trip' somewhere and there wont be any Internet so you probably will have to wait again! I hope you guys understand!

Have a good morning/day/evening/night or whatever time it is for you!

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