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Vivian Grey

I hadn't seen Zaliver since he chained me last night and a good thing because I was still in the mood to strangle him.

My wolf was just as annoyed as I was which made me glad she wouldn't allow him to get away with everything. His reasons were way off for his childish behavior and he knew it as well as I did. Deep down he must know, deep, deep, deep down. I hope.

I had only put my hand on the kid's shoulder! As if that was a betrayal of any type. I shook my head. I had tried everything to get the chains off, hitting it, chewing on it ( bad idea), trying to get my hand out, breaking it, pulling at the chain but nothing not even a scratch.

The alarm clock read eight - fifty in the morning, making me sigh out loud in both frustration and exhaustion. Although at some point last night I did fall asleep, it quickly went away, I just couldn't be comfortable at all last night. I missed the warmth of Zaliver's body, his strong arms wrapped around me holding me close to him. A feeling of longing hit me, I wanted to be around him and hug him and feel his lips on mine.

I groaned and threw my head back on the bed, I was so bipolar when it came to him, one moment I was angry, happy, sad, wanting to jump his bones, surprised, angry and then longed for his presence. Is this what people meant by relationships being a rollercoaster of emotions? It oddly wasn't that bad if I had to go through it with Zaliver, but I did wonder if he felt anything the way I did? To what extent did his emotions run for me besides the obvious possessiveness and protectiveness?

All night I had the privilege of having the room to myself to think over everything so far. I was mainly curious and worried as to what Zaliver meant to mark me by. Would he finally mark me? A shot of joy and happiness hit me as well as the smallest doses of fear and worry. Worry because I wasn't sure how or what I was to do here for the rest of my life, how would I be of use to the man who's ruled and controlled all of those around him? And fear for two different reasons, the first being on the actual process of marking, marking a mate was extremely intimate and pleasurable not to mention would push the process of mating each other. The second being that just by seeing before and after couples once the mark was given I had no doubt Zaliver's possessiveness and protectiveness would reach a level that left me breathless and feeling like a caged animal just by thinking about it.

How much more possessive could the guy get?

A knock at the door had my ears perking at the hope it was him coming to unlock me. When the door opened to reveal a baby bump, immediately I knew who it was.

"Hey, Hannah." I said waving casually at her as if I weren't chained to my bed. I wonder how this looked like to her?

She giggled as she saw me and put the tray of food she was caring down on the bedside table. It had french toast, orange juice, and a fruit salad. My stomach grumbled at the sight.

"Alpha sent me up here to keep you company, he didn't say why but I think I understand now. So, what you do?" She asked, sitting down on the couch far away.

I reached for the food and glared at her all the way from the bed, she blinked back at me with an innocent look in those big baby blue eyes of hers.

"And why do you assume I was in the wrong? Why can't he be the one in the wrong and be chained up while I go out and do god knows what!" I stabbed a strawberry with my fork and put it in my mouth chewing hard and fast, which is probably why I bit my lip.

"Owww!!! It hurts!" I whined, cupping my jaw as if it had been the one in pain. My lip slowly healed, the coppery taste in my mouth disappearing quickly.

Hannah rolled her eyes at me and rubbed her stomach.

"While I'm sure you'd like to chain our Alpha up, I don't think he's into that, but who knows? And as for what he's doing, you do realize there is a thing called a phone in this word. It's a wonderful thing really it lets you communicate from a distance, record your brother's stupid moments, take pictures of your mate and remind you for when it's time to go to the doctor for a check-up. Really they're great- and yes, I know I sound like the tiger from the cereal."

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