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Vivian Grey

The four strangers didn't turn to face me, they just stood still. My phone stopped ringing.

"Maybe if we don't move-" The tall blond man began to whisper.

"Shut up!" The short red-haired guy whisper-shouted, interrupting the other.

"I can't believe this..." A tall woman with dark hair pulled back muttered, her ponytail moved side to side as she shook her head.

"We are so dead." Another with a similar hairdo said.

I wasn't sure what to do, they were all muttering stuff under their breath and not turning around to face me and that thing with the phone was weird. They couldn't have been calling me right? Because then that would mean that they've been talking about me the whole- I shook my head mentally. There was no way they were here for me, it must have just been some crazy coincidence.

I knew that any other person would have stayed and away from them, but something told me they weren't dangerous- well I mean they looked like they were ready for action, but I felt like, personally, they wouldn't hurt me. Something inside, something dark and lurking also made me feel like if our judgment was wrong we could take them. All of them.

"Hey!" I said trying to get their attention since they weren't going to turn around to face me I decided to try and walk around them to their fronts.

Keyword: Try.

Every time I took a step, they moved all together, sort of huddled, in the opposite direction making sure their backs were to me, we were going in circles. I felt confusion and suspicion build in me at their odd behavior.

"Hey, why won't you turn around?" I asked, trying again to go around them with no avail.

"Well-" The blond's head lifted a bit.

"Don't speak to her stupid!" One of the women whisper shouted at him, smacking him on the head, a grumble came from him.

"Why not? Hey turn around will you." I said a bit too forcefully, feeling frustration and a bit offended at the same time.

They all began turning around robotically, their hands closing and opening repeatedly as if unsure what to decide on.


"I can't!"

I frowned as they all turned around slowly. These four were odd. Very odd.

"What are you all-" I stopped as the faced me fully.

Red hair, green eyes.

Blond curls, blue eyes.

Black hair, brown eyes with a scar.

Black hair, brown eyes.

I felt the strongest sense of deja vu hit me. I felt like a wave of blurry memories or like if blank spots in my head were being filled, but I couldn't reach them, the feeling was so intense I stumbled back. As soon as they turned around I knew they weren't from the pack, but I also knew they weren't here for trouble. Maybe they were visiting or something?

The people in front of me all took a hesitate step to me with there arms outstretched as if to catch me if I fell.

" Luke. . .Johnson. . .Mila . . .Courtney. . ." I mumbled without a thought. Their eyes widened with something that looked like both fear and panic.

"I'm sorry. D-Do I know you all from somewhere? Have we all meet before?" I asked looking up at them wide-eyed, realizing how weird I was being and feeling.

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