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*18 years later*


He's looking at us.

I know.

I don't like him looking at us.

I snorted at my wolf.

And what do you want me to do about it?

Claw his eyes out.

I rolled my eyes at my wolf. When we passed another turbulence my hands gripped the armrests tightly, my fingers becoming pale with the use of force. I had no problem flying but since my wolf hated being off ground it made her sketchy and extremely easy to piss off, being connected to one another meant that I was well in tune with her.

She's been eyeing passengers on the plane ever since we got on and hasn't stopped trying to convince me to claw at anyone's and everyone's face.

I'm not going to claw his eyes out just because he's looking at us. Calm down, we've only got minutes before we can get off the plane.

I could feel her mirth and excitement at the concept of solid ground. She settled down without another word. I opened the blind from my window and tried to make something out of the view, but we were still to high off ground. My thoughts began to float around to the reason for my trip.

A few years backpacks were getting trespassed by wolves from an unknown pack. It wasn't until these wolves began full-on attacking and taking members that the alphas began to realize that this wasn't random. Packs were being marked down and scavenged one at a time starting from one side of the world to the next. The mystery was in the attacker. Every pack was getting attacked, leading us to believe in the only choice we didn't want to believe in.

The only cause we were too skittish to blame.

The attacking pack had wolves faster than light, stronger than alphas and yet they never attacked at first, only hovering at the borders until given an unknown signal. Packs prepared as much as they could, negotiations were hard when the other side never responded but nothing could stop the attackers from entering and taking what they wanted. But what did they want? The million dollar question.

This pack appeared out of nowhere only to disappear, took what they wanted when they wanted, attacked like trained soldiers, but were strong as alphas and yet functioned like normal members. Who was in charge? We all had a suspicion that no one wanted to lay on the table because if we did, their head would be on the table if he heard.

My pack seemed to be on the hit list next, and with that, my parents decide to send me over with my cousin Lily from Cusco pack. Many members had done this with their daughters, seeing how it was young women that were being taken. The even stranger thing was that some of those who were taken were brought back were unharmed and without the slightest idea as to what had happened or where they were taken.

My parents were supposed to have come with me but mom got sick and dad being the overprotective mate that he is, basically locked her in the room after cleaning the house twice and said he wasn't going to risk her getting even worse with a trip.

Even though she was barely sniffing.

She had rolled her eyes at him for that. Dad wasn't worried that they would try to take mom, she was after all mated and older than the girls they were taking.

Even though it made me anxious being away from my parents I knew that they could take care of themselves and that after this whole mess was over I would be back home with them in no time. After all who am I? I'd probably just get returned.

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