7 days that felt like an eternity

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Hey you

I know you've been gone and I haven't seen or talked to you for almost a week or so
So this is for when you come back.

I'm mostly doing this cause I miss you , and you just so happen to have been on my mind the whole day.

First I'll just talk or type about how much I miss which is like a lot.
I'm just not coping without you I'm just bored without you and I feel like a part of me is missing and I miss the feeling I get when I'm around you, cause other  people don't give me that feeling that you give me

And that's just one of the seemingly endless reasons I miss you. 

Now I'll  talk about how much I love you.

Honestly I shouldn't even have to tell you this , you should already know that my love for you is never-ending.

I miss you so much , my heart isn't complete without you.

Yeah so I was like I love you , I love you so so much you phsyco

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