Storm #1

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I listen as my fellow X-Men tell me about the fire and the phone call. Ordinarily, I wouldn't hesitate to give the go-ahead to check out such a situation and offer what assistance I can. Breaching army security, however, is a serious matter. I've done it before, but only when it is extremely urgent. The United States government and it's auxiliaries don't trust mutants, and the X-Men In particular. We are widely considered outlaw vigilantes, and our help never seems to be very welcome.
Yet if the base on Obar Island is under attack, or if there has been an accident there, people could be dying as I consider the problem.
"So, what's the verdict, Chief?" Wolverine asks. He seems eager to go, but whether he is truly concerned or not, I can't tell.
"I do not think it is wise to involve ourselves, Logan," I reply. "If they say they have it under control, they obviously do not want any kind of interference. We do not want to make trouble for ourselves."
"But the guy was lyin'! I know it!"
"Perhaps you mistook uncertainty for untruthfulness." I suggest.
"No. He sounded very calculated, like a man who's been ordered to lie."
I cannot stand by while innocent people are in potential danger, even if it means more trouble for the X-Men. Besides, I can sense the team members in front of me chomping at the bit. Rogue especially, can hardly contain her excitement. She looks to me like she might fly away as soon as I give the go-ahead.
"Very well," I agree. "We'll check it out."

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