Chapter Five: Blast to the Past

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Tessa's POV:

It has been a week since I was stuck in a freezer for over six hours. Thank god I was beat before hand, it gave my body the adrenaline it needed to keep warm for the time I was on there.

Sam and Dean did question me the following day, asking why the demon wanted me and why there was salt covering the door.

I told them the demon was just a sick bastard and he put salt there to keep any other demons from getting in.

Which were lies.

Sam asked what the demon meant when it said I was just as much human as he is.

I asked him if he was in fact human. He said yes so I replied with a 'there you go then!'. I then proceeded in spending the day in shorts and a tshirt in bed watching movies with Sam. He is fun to cuddle with.

I'd tell you the truth about the demon and such but there isn't time for that.

This is about my past. And a bit of the boys.

-Five Years Prior-

I was 17, and I had just got home from school. It was June and I would be graduating in a couple weeks. My mom shouted a hello to me. I yelled back a greeting to her and ran up the stairs and to my room. I tossed my backpack on my chair and shrugged off my jacket. I heard a hiss of pain come from my closet.

That was strange... I walked over to my closet and opened it. Sitting in the corner was a young teenager, probably about 15, with black hair. She looked up at me, her eyes wide with fear. Only then I noticed in her had she had a small sharp knife and was carving some weird symbol into her skin.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed, crouching down in front of her and grabbing the knife.

She squinted her eyes at me.

"Protecting myself," she said, rolling her eyes and snatching the blade from my hand.

"That is harming yourself," I pointed out bluntly.

"Only in your eyes stupid human."

"What are you hiding from?" I asked, ignoring her rude behaviour.

"Demons, if you must know."


"Because I'm different and they don't like me."

"What do you mean you are different?"

She blinked, and when her eyes reopened they were pitch black. No brown iris. No pupil. Just black.

I gasped and fell back.

She laughed at me.

"I'm a demon too, but I'm different from them."

"But... they aren't real," I said frowning.

She resumed cutting a symbol in her skin and relaxed when she finished.

"Oh we are. You have a nice collection by the way," she stated, gesturing to my knife box.

"Thank you.."

"Are you a hunter?" she asked, eyeing me as if I was going to attack her.

"No.... I have done Kung fu since I was 8, and I do track and field in high school, but I'm not a hunter."

She nodded approvingly.

"So if you are a different demon, are you a good one..?" I asked her.

"You could say that. I mean, I have done bad things, obviously if I became a demon. But it is possible for us to remember our human lives and have regrets. Like humans, we are not perfect."

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