4 (BMO Akari thing)

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"Oh, this is probably bad huh?" Akari blurted, tucked into her designated futon in Ingos yurt. "I think I'm dying."

Ingo turned to glance at her in the darkness.

"But that's ok... Akari always bounces back!" she smiled weakly, knowing it likely wasn't true.

"No, not this time," Ingo replied, reminding her solemnly. He could see the reflection of a tear rolling down his daughter's cheek.

"But, I'm supposed to save the rift," Akari squeaked, trying not to bleed too much on the blanket. "That's my job."

"Now your job is to be dead," Ingo whispered back, his heart breaking a little.

"Oh no," she coughed, swallowing the blood back down.

"Akari, you can get through this," he assured, bones cracking in a painful sounding way as he got up to grab a roll of bandages from a storage box.

Her response takes a minute to formulate, Ingos words rolling around in her head like marbles.

"Really?" is all she can muster, and Ingo feels his heart break a little more.

"You are a hero, the hero of Hisui, I know you can get through this," he croaks, fingers shaking slightly as he peels the blanket off of Akaris trembling body.

The blood had seeped through her outfit, a large patch of darkness against the navy fabric of her long retired Survey Corps uniform. Ingo was lucky he knew how to get blood out of cloth, a skill he'd had to exercise many times over Akaris stay.

Quickly tearing the admittedly durable fabric open to show a garish wound, from lower breast to navel. Ingo swallowed thickly and got to work, helping her skin knit itself back together, and making sure that any internal damage was sewn back together and on the track to proper healing.

Each wipe with the stained rag against Akaris skin, every puncture of the needle to stitch her wound back together, it all made Ingos lungs fill with lead and his brain with helium. It felt like too much, especially for a 14 year old to deal with.

He wondered out loud, why she never healed like she used to, Arceus had chosen her, plucked her from who-knows-where, and made her almost invincible. But something had happened after she had captured both Palkia and Dialga. Arceus apparently deemed her mission complete, lifting her protection and curious regeneration.

Ingo sighed as he cut the thread off the needle, throwing it in a little metal cup to be cleaned and stored for memories and eventually reuse. He had become something of a personal surgeon for Akari, and at some point, her father. 

That had caused many alarming visits from the slate-haired teen, who had constantly started getting many dubious bumps and bruises from her adventures. One night, she slid down a mountain, a week later she got bit by a shinx. The worrying pattern was that she was very accident prone, without the divine blessing to "respawn" her, as she'd put it so crudely one day, she got hurt more often.

Ingo always knew how to help her, every salve, tea, and stitch was lovingly provided, along with a story of his newer days as a Warden. This couldn't just be fixed with a cup of tea and some discussion of self preservation.

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