Chapter 6

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Jade's POV

My alarm buzzed on my phone waking me up. I groaned and sat up. I arched my back; my joints popping back into place and I yawned. I grabbed my phone and noticed a text from Jason.

From Jason:

Hey Jade, I need you to wake up Natalia... Mrs Taylor is going to have her car here in 3 hours! I would go do it but she's in Perrie's room asleep with her and I wouldn't want to intrude...

To Jason:

Hey! I'm just up! Wake Jes and Leigh and start breakfast... I'll be down with Nerrie in a few! And car??

I threw my phone down on my bed before heading across to Perrie's room. I opened the door slowly and smiled. Perrie had her arms tightly wrapped around Natalia and she had her legs tangled with hers. "Perrie!" I whispered as I walked over to her. I saw Natalia's nose scrunch up but all she did was move closer to Perrie.

Perrie's arms pulled her closer and rolled onto her back; bringing a sleeping Talia with her. "Perrie!" I said and shook her arm. "Shh Poopey! Nata sleeping!" She mumbled and hid her face in Natalia's ginger hair. "Perrie you need to wake your girl up!" I said and smiled when she opened her bright blue eyes.

I sat down beside her on the bed and she took one arm from around Natalia to wrap around my waist slightly. "Mornimg baba!" She said and I swallowed slightly. "Morning!" I whispered and she smiled. "How'd she sleep?" I asked and ran my fingers over Natalia's cheeks bones that were starting to become more prominent the older she got.

"She cried herself out!" She said and looked over the small teenager beside us. I sighed out and leaned my forehead on Perrie's. Her arm wrapped completely around my waist and pulled me down to lay on her free side. I cuddled into her side and let out a breath.

"She looks so innocent like this! But I know she's broken inside..." Perrie whispered and trailed off slightly. I agreed and moved the hair from Natalia's face. Perrie's grip suddenly tightened too much around my waist and I looked up at her. "Perrie it hurts!" I whispered and she blinked quickly. Her grip loosened almost immediately and she looked at me.

"Sorry Poopey!" She whispered and kissed my head. "What happened?" I asked and gently moved the stray strands of Perrie's blonde hair. She blushed slightly and smiled. I turned my head and rested my forehead against her cheek as we smiled at Natalia. "Nothing, just a muscle spasm!" She answered and I nodded. She was lying, her cheeks had even started heating up slightly due to the body heat the three of us are sharing.

"Wake up baby!" Perrie cooed and gently shook Perrie. "No mammy 5 more minutes!" She mumbled and hid her face in Perrie's body. My eyes met Perrie's wide one and I smirked at the goofy smile that played on Perrie's lips. I think it's safe to say she liked that sentance.

"No baba, now c'mon! Jadey is here and if you'll help me we can maybe ask her for some biscuits!" Perrie mumbled but I pouted. "My biscuits!" I mumbled and she frowned. "But Perrie want biscuits!" She whined and I giggled. "Mam nooooo!" Natalia whined and pulled on Perrie's hoodie.

"Hey Smiley!" I teased and poked Perrie's dimple. She blushed and shrugged. "Whatever baby!" She whispered and shaked Natalia more. "Naz! Wake up baba!" Perrie said and shoke her gently. Natalia yawned and then sneezed. Natalia smiled at us. "Morning!" She mumbled and yawned again. Her eyes opened and her eyes were an even brighter blue than Perrie's.

"Breakfast! C'mon Nerrie!" I said and squealed when I got pinmed to the bed beside Natalia who was laughing happily. When my eyes focused again I saw Perrie above me. "What Poopey?" She teased and I blushed. "What?" I giggled and squealed again when she tickled my sides. Her legs were on either side of hips and because she was tickling me I couldn't focus my strength to move her.

"What'd you call us baby?" She teased and continued to tickle me. "N-N-Ner-Nerrie!" I gasped between breaths before laughs escaped me again. "Here that baby? We have a ship name!" Perrie said and roled beside me when Natalia moved over for her.

"So right now is it Jerrie or Nerrie?" Talia asked and Perrie smirked. "I've got my two girls!" She sang obnoxiously loud and pulled Talia in for a hug. I turned my head from looking at the ceiling to Perrie and blushed. We had moved our heads at the same time and our lips had landed together. I'm so sor-" I got cut off when my lips got smashed together with Perrie's.

I tried to pull away but a hand was on my head. I felt Perrie put her hands on my shoulders and push and I did the same. Finally our lips separated and I gasped in breath. Her eyes were wide and her lips were slightly swollen. Natalia was laughing her ass off and it wasn't her. I turned when I heard laughing and saw Jason, Leigh and Jesy.

"Why?" I asked breathless and Jesy smirked. "Need to catch your breath Poopey?" She teased and I took a deep breath. "Yes! Because I couldn't breathe with you holding our heads like that!" I said and looked at Perrie who was blushing and lying down with Natalia who was controling her giggles.

"Aww c'mon Poopey!" Jesy said and I pouted. I turned and hid my face in Perrie's side. She wrapped an arm around me and sighed. "You look like quite the family! The Edwards!" Jesy said and Perrie's grip tightened around my waist. I clung onto her and sighed.

"Whoa, what's wrong Jade?" Leigh asked but I hid my face in Perrie's neck. Her arm moved to my side and pulled me onto the free half of her body. "Give us all a minute please?" Perrie asked and I heard everyone leaving except Natalia who moved my hair behind my ears.

"Want me to go?" Natalia asked but I shook my head. "No, you'll probably understand..." I trailed off and sighed. "What's wrong baby?" Perrie asked and moved my head up so it was resting on her chest. She stroked my cheeks and then wiped away my tears. I felt one loose tear fall down onto my lips, she smothed her thumb over my lip and wiped it away.

"What's wrong? Was it that joke? O-Or the kiss?" Perrie asked frowning and I quickly shook my head. "The kiss is everything but wrong babe-" I stopped and blushed when I realised what I said. Her eyes widened and she was going to say something when I started talking again.

"It was the family joke Pez! I mean, not that being called your family is bad I mean... I miss mine! I haven't saw me mam, me brother, baby Karl, no one and I miss them!" I whispered and felt tears well in my eyes. "Aww Jade!" She whispered and pulled me into her.

I held onto her and felt Talia rubbing my back. "It'll be ok Jade!" She said and smiled. I smiled back. "How do you do it?" I asked and she shrugged. "Me family never really was a family! In fact I only ever see them a couple times a year! And I think im actually driving up today..." She frowned again.

"Yea! Jason said a car would be here in 3 hours!" I sakd and her eyes went wide. "I only have 3 hours left?" She asked and jumped up from the bed. She clambered over Perrie and I before running out of the room. Perrie and I looked at each other before she grabbed me and ran after her. Perrie moved me onto her back and I wrapped my legs around her wasit and arms around her neck as she sprinted downstairs.

I blushed as Perrie grabbed a littler higher on my thighs than I'd expected when she went to support me. She giggled and muttered a 'sorry' as she ran into the livingroom. "Ok! Seriously how can you not be together when you do that!" Jesy said pointing at us and I blushed hiding my face in Perrie's neck.

"Oh shut up Jes!" Perrie mumbled and pulled me round to her front. My arms and legs stayed wrapped around her as she held me up. "I need to go find her Jade, get her stuff together..." She whispered in my ear. I don't know what it looked like from behind as I moved my head so my nose was against hers.

I looked into her eyes and slid down onto my feet. We edged closer slightly due to the action but our gaze never faltered. "Ok, just... Keep her safe!" I whispered and she nodded. She quickly kissed my head and ran towards where Natalia had went. I watched after them as Perrie sprinted into the garden. Nobody knew it but Perrie was actually every fit and could do quite athletic things if she tried.

"Were you two kissing?" Jason asked and I spun around to looked at the room filled with curious eyes. "No! Of course we weren't kissing we were talking!" I hissed and grabbed one of Perrie's hoodies from the back of the couch. I turned back to the stairs and sprinted up them and into Natalia's room. Ok, now I need to pack. Shit.

Love and War: Adopted by Perrie Edwards (A Little Mix Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now