Chapter 3

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Natalia's POV

When I woke up I was in someone's arms. My vision was blurry and pain rippled through my body. The arms didn't feel big and muscular like they would be if Jason was carrying me. We were in a care with black tinted windows and I could hear a strong heart beat.

It wasn't Jason's though, he was a footballer, basketball player and a sprinter, his heart beat was a little slower than this. It hurt to move as I shifted a little. I felt myself being rocked slightly and it soothed me as I fell into a state of calmness.

"She's starting to wake up Jason and the care home is still an hour away! Jade and I's house is closer, just tell the driver to go there!" The angelic voice whispered lowly and pulled me closer to her.

I heard the beating of her heart again and as I raced through my memories I registered the voice. Perrie Edwards. I rushed through my thoughts to try ans figure out why she was even in the same place as me never mind holding me in her arms.

The cloudiness of fog in my head starting to drift away as I remembered the days events. We were in the middle of the video chat when my dad attacked me. I remember hearing their screams of my name, I remember hearing my heart beating in my ears, and I remember the feeling of my heart slowly stopping it's rhythmic beating.

I flexed my fingers and my right fingers brushed against the cast on my arm. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with the electric blue eyes that belonged to the fellow Geordie. She brushed my hair from my face and smiled at me warmly.

"How are you babe?" She asked quietly and I shrugged. "I don't know yet," I mumbled and she frowned slightly. "Nearly home baba, don't move too much right now or it'll hurt!" She said and tightened her grip around me slightly as she cradled me slightly to take pressure off my ribs.

I smiled as a warm feeling erupted in my chest. The way she kept her eyes on me but looked away for a few seconds before looking at me again. The way her arms held me gently but tightly as if she'd lose me. The way she runs her fingers through my hair to sooth me. Just the way she looks at me with such emotions moves me, I'd never had that before.

"What time is it?" I asked and she looked at her phone that I noticed was laying on my lap. "9:59 baba, go to sleep, I'll carry ya inside!" She whispered and stroked my face.

"But I'm heavy!" I mumbled and went to move out of her grip. "You weigh like 6 stone babe, don't worry bout me!" She whispered and kissed my head softly. I smiled and cuddled into her hoodie. It smelt like vanilla with a hint of coconut.

She pulled the sleeves over her hands and wrapped her arms around me again. I smiled and hid my face in the clothing. "Can't sleep?" She asked when she noticed I hadn't closed my eyes yet. I shyly shook my head and cringed when pain rippled through my body again.

"Want me to sing for you? Might help you sleep!" She whispered and I smiled. She looked into my eyes and smiled back.

"We'll always be together, don't you worry..."


Perrie's POV

When we got to Jade and I's house Jason came around to my side of the car and opened my door. I thanked him and carefully carried Natalia out who had fallen asleep on the way back.

"Go open the door for us Jadey!" I whispered and she frowned. "I didn't lift my keys!" I groaned slightly. "Get mine out me back pocket then!" I said and she nodded. I turned to face her and she put her hand in my pocket to get the keys.

We froze in this position when we saw flashes behind us. Jade quickly removed her hand from my back pocket and unlocked the door. I covered Natalia the best I could as I carried her inside. The shouting got louder but Jason slammed the front door closed and locked it from the keys Jade had thrown him.

Love and War: Adopted by Perrie Edwards (A Little Mix Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now