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I've lived in the valley my entire life. From ever since I could remember, I have been taught karate. No, not from Daniel Larusso or from Johnny Lawrence like every other loser. I've been taught by my uncle. My uncle is John Kreese. Many people have no idea that my uncle even had a sister, since he never really spoke about her. My mother was born while my uncle was in the military. They're technically half siblings, since my grandfather remarried in the early 60's after my uncles mother passed away. Then my mother was born in 1966. They didn't grow close until my mom was an adult since they had such a large age gap. But, my uncle was always protective and caring of her and I.
I have never met my dad, my mom met him at a bar and they had a one night stand. She doesn't remember his name or where he is from. Nine months later, I came along. I actually was born a few weeks early. Because of this I was a NICU baby for about a month after I was born. I had to be consistently monitored by medical professionals because my premature birth caused breathing issues. My lungs were underdeveloped, so that causes me to have life long breathing issues. Most of the time i'm fine, I just need to carry around an inhaler with me 24/7 and be very careful. I can't get hit in the chest too hard, I can't hold my breath for long, and I have to take many, many, breaks during intense exercises. I wish I could say that I was close to my mom. But, my mother spent most of her time working multiple jobs. So, that lead to me being home alone most of the time. Until, after a while of my mother working so much, she decided that she needed someone to look after me. Daycare and babysitting wasn't really an option because of how expensive it is. That's when my uncle had come into the picture. He was the one to babysit me everyday, kind of like a full on nanny. I believe after a while he had gotten bored of watching Disney movies and playing tea party with me. If you know he is, you know that is definitely not something he wishes to spend his time on. That's when he started to teach me karate, his biggest passion in life. Originally I was told that it was just for fun, and for me to learn self defense. But as I got older, the lessons he was teaching me got harder and more intense. He got even stricter and tougher on me. He would often get frustrated with me because of how many breaks I had to take to catch my breath. He started to view me as a different person. I was no longer a little angel to him. I was now one of his students, a weapon, a 'warrior' as he says. This was all truly because he claims he see's a potential in me. I would spend hours on end training and training. I would punch and kick boards until my limbs bled. He made me eat, sleep, and breathe karate. It was really the only thing I was able to think about for a long time.
He also had basically raised me to be an outcast, and to have hate in my heart. He constantly spoke about the Larusso family. He badmouthed their family name with every second that he got. He also talked about Johnny Lawrence and his family. He would talk about how Johnny betrayed him and turned out to be a disappointment. He has no relationship with his delinquent son, his ex-wife is a tramp, Johnny himself is a drunk. etc. You get the point. He would spend hours on end talking about how many horrible things they've done to him. Since he was my uncle and I loved him, I began to hate them and their families with him.
I actually happen to be the same exact age as Anthony Larusso. I've had to deal with his dreadful personality my entire life. I swore I was cursed with always happen to be having a class with him. I also sort of grew up with Sam Larusso. Since she was only three years older than us, I went to elementary school with her for a little bit as well. Thankfully neither of them ever gave me any attention. We all coexisted, with me secretly despising them. They also never knew who I was, or who I was related to. Everyone always had seen me as a regular nobody. They constantly bragged about how their dad was the "Karate Champion" and how he owned the "best" car dealership in the valley. I was constantly rolling my eyes and muttering things under my breath when they'd talk. Not to mention that Anthony Larusso had his grospurt in the summer going into the eighth grade. He grew much taller, grew into his features, and had gotten a new haircut. He stopped being a nerdy iPad kid and turned into a self-absorbed asshole. Every girl in our grade practically drooled over him constantly. It was ridiculous and pathetic. Sam and Anthony both also started to brag about how their dad taught them karate and that they were probably going to be the next All Valley Karate Champion. Sam saying that was believable, but it was revealed that in middle school Anthony was lying about knowing karate! He got his ass kicked by Kenny (one of the kids he bullied) in a locker room. Well deserved if you ask me.
Once we were in middle school, and Sam entered High School, everyone's life turned upside down and got taken over by karate. There was an embarassing rivalry between Daniel Larusso's new dojo and Johnny Lawrence's new dojo. Once I heard about this, I went to my uncle and told him about the drama between them at school. He almost lost it when I mentioned that Cobra Kai was brought back to life by the man who betrayed him. That's when he entered the picture. The day he went to Cobra Kai and joined Johnny in teaching the dojo, is the day he stopped giving me an ounce of attention. This caused me to grow a bigger amount of hatred for both Johnny and Daniel. The only male figure in my life had given all of his attention to those two instead of me. I was once again, left all alone. My uncle had even gone as far as sleeping at the dojo. I held a grudge against him for a long time after this. It was so bad that I didn't even go to visit him while he was in prison.
When he broke out, my mom and I were the only safe haven for him. He made a formal apology for me, and I forgave him with open arms. My mom and I of course allowed him to stay hidden at our house for as long as he needed to. We didn't have a large or a fancy house, but we knew nobody would bother to look for him here. I don't think he has mentioned to many people that he even has a sister and a niece! He has always been once to keep his private life a secret from others.
For anyone wondering, I never bothered getting involved with any of the karate fueds for a few reasons. None of it was necessarily my business, it wasn't my problem, I didn't care, and also I never wanted to draw attention to myself. I have always kept to myself during school. I only had one friend who was actually just more of a close acquaintance. Her name was Alex, and she was also always quiet like me. She hated to be the center of attention too. We didn't really hangout outside of school, we always were just each others partners during school, the person we'd sit by in class, and lunch buddies.

It's Always Been You. (Anthony Larusso X Reader) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now