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Y/N's POV:

I was extra pissed off at karate today. I've been pissed off this entire weekend actually. I was so upset with so many people, including myself. I was mad at how idiotic Daniel was. I was mad at my uncle for turning insane and taking if out on me. I was mad at myself for living inside of a lie, not being able to understand my emotions, and for letting everyone control me.
I was at the karate dojo early, and I was warming myself up. I was inside, punching and kicking the punching bag as bard as I could. No matter how hard or how fast I hit it, I couldnt calm myself down. I was pushing myself so hard that I couldnt breathe. I was overestimating how long I was able to do it for until my lungs got exhausted. I finally stopped to catch my breath. When I looked to my side, I saw Daniel there staring at me blankly. He had a nervous look on his face. I had no idea how long he had been standing there for. I didn't say anything to him. I wasn't going to speak to him unless he decided to grow the fuck up and speak to me.
"Hey, Y/N..." He said softly. He closed the door behind him and stepped forwards. "I just wanted to say... that um... you're right."
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You're right about everything. I shouldn't be blaming you with absolutely no evidence that you did anything. And... I probably don't pay as much attention to Anthony as I should. Im glad you were able to open my eyes about it."
     I was truly shocked by what he just said to me. Did a man actually admit that he was wrong for once? "I accept your apology." I said.
    "Im glad Anthony has a friend like you. A friend who is real, and that cares about him." He smiled.
    I nodded, "Of course. I know that he would do the same for me."
    "Then that means I raised him well. At least I did something right..."
     I stayed silent, it got awkward quickly. I wasn't sure what else to say. We both just stayed staring at each other for a minute.
    "Well... practice is starting. Let's go." He said as he went to walk out of the dojo.
     I followed him out to the grass and met Anthony there. Sam was there too, but I ignored her and walked past her. I could feel her judgmental gaze upon me. Her eyes were locked on me.
     "Hey," I said to him.
     "Hey, how long have you been here for?" He asked with a huge grin on this face. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked with me to the platform where we would typically warm up.
     "Not long, you?"
     "We just got here. What were you and my dad talking about?"
     "Ill tell you later..."

     We have been here for an hour now doing warm ups and practicing skills for the tournament. After doing that, all three sensei's told us that the next exercise were 1v1's. We gathered around in a circle and waited for the sensei's to call us each in into the ring to fight. There was a few fights before mine. My first fight was against, of course, Sam Larusso.
    We bowed to each other and to the sensei's, got into our fighting positions, and started the fight. It was a thing here to not strike first, so I didn't. To my surprise, Sam immediately gave the first strike. She got me good in the nose.
     I looked at her, "Wow. I didn't know you ever strike first, princess." I said sarcastically.
    "I strike first on lying thieves." She snarled.
    This angered me. When will she stop blaming me? Why does she think it's me? I jumped into action and continued the fight with her. We fought for what felt like hours and hours. We were only doing one point each round, and so far neither of us were winning or losing. Eventually, it got so heated that we started to tire ourselves out. We started to become slower and weaker. Then suddenly, we both went to strike a punch at the same exact time. We both successfully hit each other and fell to our asses. We both were immediately confused. Everyone around us went silent.
      "Um, you both won? I guess?" Daniel said with confusion. She gave me a dirty look once more before she got up and walked back to her spot. I ignored it and went back to mine as well.
     I spent the rest of the day thinking about our fight. Why did she hate me so much? I understand that we had our moments but other than that, there really was no reason for her to blame me. Or even know that it was me. I couldn't get out of my head. I waited for the right moment to go and ask her about it. I waited until the end of the day. Almost everyone had left already, but I stayed behind. I followed her after she said goodbye to Miguel and Robby. She went inside of the dojo to grab her bag. I closed the door behind me and she heard. She quickly turned around to me because she was startled. But, rolled her eyes and ignored me as she continued grabbing her things.
"W-why do you hate me?" I asked her.
She kept ignoring me.
"I don't understand why you think I'm the one who stole the money!"
She looked at me again with hate in her eyes. "You may be fooling everybody else. But you aren't fooling me."
"What are you talking about?"
"Everyone likes you and thinks you're so innocent! I don't know how you convinced my dad to think that way too, but it's not going to work for me."
"What? Are you jealous of me or something? Are you upset because you aren't in the center of attention for once in your life?"
She stood up and walked closer to me. "You randomly walk into our lives and EVERYTHING starts to go wrong."
"What all went wrong? Because all I can think of is the missing money. And you know that out of all suspects, it can't be me!" I started to yell.
"As soon as you went to the dealership, the money goes missing. Not only that, but once you found out we were giving Tory money, it somehow goes missing an hour later. Anthony is getting into fights at school again. Kenny and Anthony FINALLY resolved issues together, and now they suddenly hate each other again?"
"And... none of that is my fault. You're literally just making up random reasons to hate me."
She stepped closer to me and tried to make me feel intimidated. "I know you're lying. Whatever shit that you're pulling, you better cut it out. Or I will beat the hell out of you." She pulled her bag over her shoulder and left the room.

It's Always Been You. (Anthony Larusso X Reader) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now