Sungwon-Drunk love

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"Hey nerdy, wassup?" Sunghoon said annoying Jungwon who just rolled his eyes.

"Sunghoon-ssi I was doing ok till your ugly face showed up..." Jungwon answered sassily while taking his book from the locker.

Sunghoon clicked his tongue before also taking his book from the locker too. Some papers fell from Sunghoon's locker. Jungwon was actually curious what's up with all these paper. Then he thought maybe it was all cheat codes. He shook his head understanding that's how Sunghoon was still a great student.

Sunghoon hurriedly put those papers in his bag and took some book out.

Park Sunghoon, school Heartbreaker is in love with Yang Jungwon but as a shy bitch he can't express his shit well.

On other hand Yang Jungwon hates him atleast for now.

"Hey nerdy...!" Jungwon heard Sunghoon shout. He stopped on his track. He turned around annoyed but to his surprises Sunghoon just infront of him resulting their nose to touch. Jungwon swears on god he saw Sunghoon blush.

Sunghoon was the first to move face. Jungwon stood their not affected. "S-So are you going to Jackson's birthday party?" Sunghoon asked trying not to stutter.

"Did you just stutter?" Jungwon teased fixing his glass. Sunghoon moved back defensive.

"What?! No!!" Sunghoon shouted not having the courage to look at Jungwon's eyes.

" I swear I heard just yo---" "JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION!"

"Fine I don't know if I am going or not. Why does it bother you?" Jungwon said.

Sunghoon looked at Jungwon and said "Because I need a reason to go there"

Sunghoon left the place right after saying it. Jungwon was confused by the reason but he just shook the thought of it knowing Sunghoon was stupid.

"HEY! MY BITCH!" Sunoo said jumping on Jungwon.

"Hey! Bestie" Jungwon replied back.

"Boy..? Why you sounding so depressing?" Sunoo said pouting.

"Just that jerk was annoying me.." Jungwon said sitting there taking his lunch out.

"Dude don't mind but I think Sunghoon likes you..." Jungwon decided to drink water in wrong time. As soon as he heard Sunoo's statement he choked, spitting all the drink on the table.

"DON'T SAY IT!" Jungwon shouted.

"Why? Didn't you read stories on Wattpad? There are thousands of story books where people annoy there crush to get there attention..." Sunoo said smiling.

"LIKE HE HAS A HEART!" Jungwon shouted again.

"Stop shouting bitch..." Sunoo said.

"Sorry, but he will never like me, can't you see how he is..!" Jungwon said. Sunoo shrugged "Bitch, I just said my theory. No biggie..."

"Anyway you gotta come with me at Jackson's birthday party, Niki is gonna be there. I gotta impress my soon to be hubby...!" Sunoo said changing the topic.

"Eh? Maybe not this Sunoo I have to study for the upcoming exam..." Jungwon said.

"Bitch please let's go..." Sunoo said giving his famous puppy eyes. Jungwon gave in and nodded making Sunoo jump in joy.

I feel like something is gonna happen today.... Jungwon thought to himself.

At the party~~~
Jungwon and Sunoo entered the party seeing people were enjoying themselves. Jungwon and Sunoo straight up went to Jackson wished him a happy birthday. He told them to enjoy themselves.

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