Jealous Kongpob

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(AN: Kongpob - 2nd year, Arthit - 4th year)

Kongpob was shooting laser at the current third year head hazer, Thanat, who was currently occupying all of Arthit's attention. Their group together was spending lunch time at the canteen. With Arthit being in his final year and fourth year head hazer, his schedule was jam packed. By the end of the day Arthit would be so tired that he would barely be able to hold a conversation with Kongpob before falling asleep. So lunch time was the only time that the lovers could manage to be together.

And now this was third time this week when Thanat interrupted their 'couple time' to talk with Arthit. And this time Arthit even went to Thanat's table so as to not disturb others and to be able to talk properly with Thanat.

Last time, Kongpob had made face when he saw Thanat approaching their table. When Arthit noticed it, he later scolded Kongpob for acting childishly. Arthit also asked Kongpob to not to make a big deal for not being able to spend some time together, and Kongpob has to understand that helping Thanat was also part of Arthit's duty.

Kongpob tried, really tried to understand and support his P'Arthit and not to make any fuss about it anymore. But their friends were not helping his barely held self control either. Especially friends like Bright and Tootah.

Tootah: Damn he looks so hot. I wish someday he would approach me instead of Arthit. I could teach him so many things.

Knot: Stop your pervert mind Tuts.

Tew: Besides P'Arthit is the head hazer so it's natural that P'Thanat would approach him only.

Tootah: Oh please, some of his doubts and problems are not even that much serious that a head hazer's help is required. I am also a hazer and I could easily help him.

Bright: Tootah is right. Any of us hazers could help him but he always approaches Arthit only.

Maprang: Do you think P'Thanat likes P'Arthit and that's why...

Bright: I think you could be right N'Maprang.

Knot: Enough Bright, stop messing with Kongpob. If Arthit will come to know about it, he'll beat the hell out of you.

Bright: Huh, it's Arthit who is messing with our N'Kongpob.

Prem: Shut up Bright. Nobody is messing with anyone.

Wad: Besides who cares about P'Thanat's feelings. P'Arthit only likes our Kong.

Tootah: And yet Arthit spends more time with N'Thanat than N'Kongpob.

Knot: That's just because of his duty.

Bright: Oh please Knot, Arthit could easily drop his duties on any of us and yet he always personally gets involved in N'Thanat's issues.

Em: Hey Kong, why are you so silent. Don't think too much about what P'Bright and P'Tootah are saying, okay?

Kongpob just nods and now stares at his empty coffee cup. His mind is a whirlwind of questions. He trusts his P'Arthit but he is also a possessive man and at times like this it becomes difficult to stay calm. A few minutes later he looks over where Arthit is sitting with Thanat. The frown on Arthit's forehead deepens more and Kongpob knows that his boyfriend is barely controlling his anger. This brings smile at face because an angry Arthit is better than a happy Arthit with Thanat.

Knot also notices that Arthit is very close to losing his temper so he joins them and gestures Arthit to calm down. Arthit takes a deep breath, puts his hand on Thanat's shoulder and tightens his grip as a warning and leaves with a final word of advice.

That touch on Thanat's shoulder burns Kongpob. And before he loses it in front of anyone, he leaves for his dorm room.

Arthit, with a frown, watches Kongpob stand and leave while returning to their table.

Knot: Follow him. He is upset because of Bright and Tootah ---

Before Knot could finish, Arthit left and ran after Kongpob. Even though he caught up with Kongpob, he still stayed behind him and followed him silently. The moment Kongpob unlocks the door, Arthit pushes them inside and locks the door. Seeing that it's Arthit, Kongpob relaxes a bit but again storms further inside the room.

Arthit: What's with the attitude Kong?

Kongpob: Seriously? And what are you doing here P'? Aren't you busy with P'Thanat?

Arthit: Not this again. I have already told you that it's my duty ---

Kongpob: A duty which any of the hazer can fulfill and yet it's always you.

Arthit: So what if he only approaches me and no one else. As long as he comes to me, I have to help. I thought you understood ---

Kongpob: And what about you P'? Don't you understand how this affects me.

Arthit: That's why I keep trying to explain Kong. It's just my duty and nothing more. And that too will end soon. So why are you letting it affect you?

Kongpob: I am scared P'. I try my best to go above and beyond for you. I don't complain so that you won't think that I am whiny. I do everything for you, according to you because I am scared that otherwise you'll leave me.

Arthit: Look at me Kong and listen to me carefully. I love you. I told you once and I repeat it again today. I love you for you, Kong. I don't want you to act but instead be true to yourself. Do things for me that you want to do from your heart and not because of any fear okay?

Kongpob: P' if you love me so much then why won't you give me this one thing? Why won't you stop talking with P'Thanat?

Arthit: Because it's unreasonable and ---

Kongpob: I understand that P' and I trust you too. But I just can't let it go especially after what Maprang and P'Bright said.

Arthit: I swear our friends are more trouble than help. Alright, I won't talk with him unless it's absolutely necessary.

Kongpob: But you think it's necessary every time!

Arthit: Stop sulking. Fine I promise I won't talk to him at all. And if I have to then I will ask your permission. Is it okay now?

Kongpob: Don't forget your promise P' or else I will punish you.

Arthit: I won't. Now let's go, we have classes to attend.

Kongpob stopped Arthit in his tracks and dragged him back towards the bed.

Kongpob: No P', it's time for make up sex.

Before Arthit could argue, Kongpob kissed him passionately, effectively keeping his lover in his arms for hours.


(AN: You can read this as prequel to Jealous Arthit or as a standalone. Let's assume that Arthit somehow broke his promise in the eyes of Kong which led to the events of Jealous Arthit.)


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