Jealous Kongpob II

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(AN: Kongpob - 3rd year and intern at OE, as of now in purchasing dept., Arthit works at OE.
Standalone and unrelated to Jealous Kongpob.)

Kongpob was enjoying his internship at Ocean Electric, for the most part at least. Unfortunately, there was something or rather someone who annoyed the hell out of him. The newly recruited employee, Noon, was the only black spot in his spotless working experience at Ocean Electric.

Like right now, once again Noon seems to be convincing Arthit for something that Kongpob couldn't hear from where he is sitting.

To Kongpob, it seemed like Noon, who worked in Marketing Department, spent more time in Purchasing Department instead of her own office. Especially with Arthit. At least that's how Kongpob felt. And he was right to feel it considering how she'd always latch herself to Arthit and sometimes even openly flirt.

Kongpob desperately wanted to shake her badly for her to get a clue that Arthit is not interested. Kongpob didn't know whether the girl was oblivious to Arthit's disinterest or just plain ignorant. Kongpob would always see her trying to get closer and closer to his boyfriend ever since she had started her job.

It all started with a small help on Arthit's part. Who would have thought that a little kindness on Arthit's part would come back to bite on Kongpob's behind. Yes, Kongpob's, because as far as he thought it was only him suffering from jealousy and rage. So much that for the first time Kongpob wasn't on his usual gentlemanly behaviour around someone. In fact, if he didn't gorge her eyes or twist her arms some day, he'd call it a win.

Kongpob can't hear but can very much see Noon putting her arm casually around Arthit's shoulder, who is sitting in front of his desktop. He is really trying hard to keep his poker face while watching everything. Even though it is for a split second, Kongpob notices Arthit flinch from the over-friendly touch and then with a smile, removes her hand while shaking his head.

Kongpob can pick on Arthit's nervous ticks but whether it's because of Noon or Kongpob watching them, he doesn't know. 'Why remove the hand with a smile P'Arthit? Can't you just tell her straight to stay six feet away from you or maybe six floors? This smile of yours is the reason why things reached this point.'

Kongpob remembered Arthit telling him how he met a new recruit in the canteen and helped her ease her nervousness. Things just snowballed from then onwards. Noon would sit next to Arthit whenever they'd have food together in canteen, calling him her only friend. If there was a meeting where both of the departments were present, she'd sit next to Arthit. She always stayed beside Arthit saying that since Arthit was also quite new, he could help her to mix with others like he did. But as far as Kongpob saw, that was an impossible task considering how she'd talk to Arthit only at all times. 'If only you'd try to spend a few minutes with others instead of sticking beside my P'Arthit all the damn time then that would be a good start.' Kongpob wished to say that aloud to her on many occasions. He once almost did, if it were not for Arthit stopping him.

Kongpob, not wanting to witness once again Noon flirting with Arthit, leaves the office with an excuse of getting coffee.

Arthit sees the troubled look on Kongpob's face and it pierces his heart once again.

He wished so many times, imagined so many things that he'd have done differently, but in the end, he didn't, he couldn't.

Noon again hugs Arthit's arm with some stupid excuse that Arthit doesn't bother to listen. Arthit wants to snap that hand away from him so badly, but her being a woman and them being in a professional capacity, forces him to be polite. So politely he removes his arm from her grasp while gliding his chair away too. Arthit unconsciously looks where Kongpob sits and finds it empty. He remembers that look on Kongpob's face while looking at them and it tears his heart.

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