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The boat jerks forward, throwing us both off balance. My arms flail, trying to steady myself, but it doesn't stop me from landing on my tailbone. Ow.

My captor falls too.

And then it dawns on me to escape.

I jolt to my feet, swinging my leg over the ledge, prepared to let myself fall. His hand latches onto my ankle.

"I'm sorry," he hisses. I kick my leg, trying to force him to release me. "I can't let you leave."

And then a form slowly rises from behind. Oh my God. Luca. He creeps forward, wrench in hand.

I look at the one holding my ankle. He furrows his brow, then starts turning his head. Oh God.

Luca swings his arm and clubs him in the head. He crumples.

I look at Luca. He looks at his victim, breathing heavily.

He pushes his sopping hair out of his eyes and looks up at me.

Kris arches his neck to look at us, hands still on the wheel, hair bouncing with the boat.

He sees his brother in a lump on the ground.

We stare at each other for a few moments, unsure of what to do. Luca regrips the weapon in his hands, feet in a defensive stance. My mind races for solutions, but the only one I keep coming back to his escape. Kriss could do something drastic to keep us quiet. And he's chasing Sebastian. And Luca just knocked his brother out. Is he going to stop the boat and lose ground on his prey? He has to deal with us somehow. That's what I'm scared of.

I put my hand on Luca's bicep. He turns his face halfway, then back to Kriss.

If we don't jump off now, we're going to end up in the ocean anyway.... maybe with bullet holes. We're closer to shore now than we were before. We could swim it. We'd be on land in an hour or two. If we wait, we'll be food for sharks.

I grab Luca's other arm and before either of us has a chance to think, I shove him overboard.

I plant my foot on the rail and spring into the ocean.

My skin slaps the water painfully and I get a noseful of water before I start to sink. I turn myself around, and kick upward, losing my flip-flops in the process.

My head breaks the surface and salt water drips in my eyes as I frantically search for Luca.

Lingering in the fishing boat's wake is a spread of ripples and bubbles, flailing arms on either side of pale yellow hair.

My arms slice through the water, propelling me to him in seconds. I hook my arms under his and pull his head above water.

He coughs and spews salt water into the ripples.

"You okay?" I rush. Draping his arm around my neck, supporting him. Already, my legs are tired. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe we can't swim to the shore. I look at it glittering in the distance.

I'm struggling.

Luca gasps, breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut.

"It's okay," I say softly. "We're okay, I'm going to help you." Please don't be having a panic attack. Please don't be having a panic attack. "You're not alone," I soothe. I hope it actually helps. His skin feels hot. "Can..." I falter, trying to think back to lifeguarding classes. "Can you help me paddle? Come on. Just push down with your hands, kick your feet. You got this, Luc. We're gona make it back. We're going to make it."

And that's when I see the dark shape under the water, rushing towards us. Crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap. No. Oh God, it's a shark. We're going to die.

Arms break the surface, pushing a head and shoulders above the surface.


Luca looks up.

If Sebastian is here, who was Kriss chasing?

He looks at me, and I see the image of his girl in my mind... with someone else. Another mermaid. She's... beautiful.

I can feel his fear, sharp and distinct. He paddles forward, grasps my wrist, and places it on his shoulder, doing the same for Luca.

"What are you-" My hand tightens around his slick skin as he jets forward, taking us with him.

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