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 Knock, knock, knock. I get up from the couch and open the door.

Luca stands there. "Hey." I stand to the side, letting him in.


I gesture to the sofas. We sit on either side of the coffee table. It's quiet for a few moments.

"It feels weird, doesn't it?"

I breathe a laugh. "Yeah."

"Now everything's back to normal. They went home... Brev's dad left them alone."

"It's like it never happened."

"It feels like we've known them forever, you know? It's weird that they're just gone."

"I wonder if they'll ever come back."

"Someday maybe."

"You think we'll forget about them by then?"

"You think we can forget about them?"

"I just mean... what if we look back on it when we're forty and it was only a weird recurring dream or something?"

He shrugs. "I still have the broken dolphin if you want a souvenir."

I smile. "Keep it."

He leans in. "What happened to your forehead?" He reaches forward and pushes the hair away from the crosshatched scratches.

His hand brushes my skin, shocking me. My mind opens, merging, filling with information.

"I just..." I start, slightly confused.

"Scraped it on the sand?" he replies, in a daze.

I nod, numb.

"Did we-"

"Just link?"

We raise our eyebrows.


He laughs incredulously.

Knock, knock, knock. 

Our heads turn. I stand and open the door.

"Oh thank God you're okay!" Brevity rushes, enveloping me in a hug.

"Uhh, yeah," I smirk, closing my arms around her. "Why wouldn't I be?"

She pulls away. "Last night, I found this weird text on my phone saying there was some weird emergency? At first I was confused because, obviously, I didn't send it. Then I texted you saying it was an accident, or-"

"You didn't send it?"

"Mandy must have sent it. I'm starting to think you guys are right about her. I mean, that's weird that she would do that."

Better late than never I guess.

"Better late than never," Luca remarks, coming up next to me. My heart skips a beat. I look at him. This is going to take some getting used to.

 That it will.

Brevity ignores him. "But neither of you guys answered so I started to think there was really something wrong. I went down to the docks where the text said to go, and you weren't there, but your cousin's wheelchair was at the end with his shirt floating in the water. I thought someone drowned him or something." She puts her hand on her chest. "You guys gave me a heart attack."

"Oh," I reply. "Well, he's alright," I look at Luca and smile. "He just went home."

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