Chapter 8: Doubt

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Pov y/n

I spend the weekend with Yelena and Kate.
On Saturday, we go to a nearby mall and then a sports store because Kate wants to buy a new bow. She got into archery last year and is honestly pretty good at it.

Yelena and I goof around the store, trying out the kids bow that you shoot at a plastic sign and they stick to it.
We laugh when I miserably fail at that. Yelena does hit the sign but very close to the edge and Kate just watches us with a grin before showing off and hitting the middle.

We split up, so she can look for a bow without us distracting her while Yelena and I go to the soccer corner and kick around a ball, pretending to consider buying it. We don't though because we have a perfectly good ball in our apartment but it's just fun to kick it around right now.
After that we decide to get ice cream and walk through a park, enjoying the sun.

The Sunday is calm, we go out a little to kick around our ball before having a movie marathon with snacks. Since Kate is with us, I can't tell Yelena about what happened on Friday but I'll find the moment to tell her.

On Monday, I am very excited to go to class, not sure what to expect.
Do we continue our game or is it over for now?

With a smile on my face, I enter the classroom and shortly after me, Jess walks in and we have a short chat about our weekends before she goes to her friends.
I sit at my desk, my leg bouncing a little bit in excitement and I look over my notes from the last lesson.

When the door opens again, my attention snaps to the person walking in and I smile at Natasha walking in. Miss Romanoff, I mean.

Ever since she told me her name, it's been on my mind and as weird as it sounds but I want to have a moment alone with her again, to be able to call her that.

Something is different though when she walks in. Her eyes are focused ahead and she walks straight up to her desk. Behind me I hear some whispering from some dudes that visit our class today because their friend is in this class or so, I don't know.
She puts her things down and grabs the papers I carried to her office on Friday. Just thinking about what happened there, makes me press my thighs a little together.

"Good morning, everyone. I brought you your assignments back." She announces, her voice sounding a little more distant than last week, which makes me frown a little.

Did something happen over the weekend?
I hope she's okay.
I watch as she gives the sheets to the people in the front row, to hand them through the class before going back to her desk and opening her laptop, connecting it to the projector.

A document loads that shows all of our results summarized.
I take my paper back and look at it for a few seconds before looking back at her. Not once did she look at me since she entered the classroom and it makes me feel a little uneasy.
Her behavior is more reserved than usual and somehow, her outfit also shows that something is different.

She wears a simple pair of jeans, together with a black t-shirt and black sneakers.
I only saw her twice in sneakers. Once in her office during that thunderstorm last Thursday and the other time during another class but it still seems kinda wrong, she almost always wears high heels and paired with her changed behavior, it makes me think something is not right.

I look at her, hoping she'll look at me too but she keeps her eyes either on the presentation or the other students. During the lecture, I get the feeling she is purposefully avoiding me.
Even when she calls me to answer something, she never directly looks at me.

My heart clenches a little together at her behavior and I don't have any idea why she's acting this way.
While we work on an assignment, I hope she'll finally look at me but she doesn't, she scribbles something down, an almost stern expression on her face. The boys behind me whisper again, just loud enough for me to hear it.

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