A plan to kill Allmight

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Cassie slunk as quietly and quickly as she could through the steep, rubble covered terrain that she had quickly figured out was the landslide zone by process of elimination and having to avoid several dozen tons of mud and rock that had threatened to fall on top of her as soon as her feet first hit the ground.

The only downside to the landslide zone she was in, which would have been an ideal location for her quirk under normal conditions, was completely devoid of any plants. She could create her own but it took a lot of energy and the soil below her needed to be fertile enough for plants to grow in the first place.

The landslide zone however did not have fertile soil nor solid enough ground for Cassie's quirk to be of much benefit any plants she grew would inevitably be weak. She had the seeds in her special costume compartments but the female was determined to only use them if absolutely necessary. She only hoped hand to hand combat wouldn't fail her if she had to throw down with a villain.

She was so extremely focused on her footing and the landscape as she tried to locate some kind of plant life that she could control around her, that she almost didn't see the villain jumping out at her from behind a half destroyed building that was wedged into the ground.

Instincts took in as the pinkette ducked just narrowoly avoiding getting kicked in the face. She watched in surprise as the villains forward momentum propelled them above her and across to a half buried building.

The villain was fairly average looking; the only notable feature they possessed were their long spindly limbs that hung awkwardly at their sides like pulled gum, Cassie bit back a frustrated sigh crouching low to the ground, splaying her left hand flat on the dirt below her.

When she was in direct contact with the earth she was able to sense nearby plant life far better than she could when not in contact with it. The villain's long arms stretched outwards aiming to grab Cassie but once more the girl narrowly dodged, this time rolling to her left just barely feeling the villain's nails scraping against her cheek momentarily.

She could feel the slightest pull of something in the back of her mind, and with little time to think Cassie poured all her energy into what she assumed might have been a potted house plant, praying that something would happen.

Sure enough large green leaves erupted from the house the villain stood on, bursting through the roof, shattering the old rotting wood and showering large splinters upon the villain. Cassie let out a relieved sigh as she watched the villain attempted to shield themselves from the small but very sharp projectiles raining down on them all while simultaneously batting away large vine-like plant stems that raced eagerly towards them like a dog running to its owner.

Cassie concentrated harder, shoving the villain off the broken house's roof and onto the ground with a push from her plant, which promptly snaked its way around their body restricting any and all movement dangly the villain above Cassie's head by their rubber like legs.

The villain shrieked writhing around in their constraints as Cassie got back to her feet, brushing off her knees and tucking a strand of pink hair behind her pointed ear, her golden earring cuffs glinting brightly.

" Tell me how you plan to kill Allmight." Cassie asked politely, watching with narrowed green eyes as the villain dangled helplessly in front of her. When she didn't get the response she was looking for, the girl kept talking.

" Did you know that the average human being can only hang upside down for about five minutes?" Cassie asked innocently, placing her hands behind her back and batting her eyes. " Any more than that could lead to death or at the very least severe brain damage. " she tutted, circling the panicked villain like a hungry shark.

" The blood rushes from you body to your head and the higher your blood pressure is the quicker you die, typically in situations like this one's blood must be absolutely pumping." Cassie paused as she once more returned to her original spot in front of the villain.

" Now then, I want to be a hero and killing someone isn't very heroic, so I'll be generous and give you one more chance to answer my questions, but I do have friends to catch up with so make it quick" The pinkette cocked an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. " kapish?"

The villain nodded frantically. " Okay okay I'll talk!" they shrieked, already beginning to feel lightheaded and queasy. " This thing, I don't know what its called I swear you have to believe me, but it was genetically engineered to be strong enough to kill Allmight!'' The villain gasped for breath, body swinging from side to side as Cassie lazly moved her pointer finger to direct the plants movement.

Cassie paused her hand movements, placing a finger to her lips. " Alrighty then, I guess I should go find the others and let them know." Cassie swiveled on her heel gently placing the villain down on the ground but keeping her vines tightly wrapped around their body. " Oh and pro tip don't struggle too much, the more you do the more those vines will tighten." She called over her shoulder before starting back off on her venture to find her scattered friends and teacher.

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