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Over the years, the close bond that the United States and the United Kingdom had began falling apart; quite rapidly to be fairly honest. It started with a couple of arguments, before ending in war on the United Kingdom's soil. Many British, Scottish, and Irish teens have taken up to fighting against American soldiers, most of them underage. Those who are caught by the Americans were sent into small towns that serve as holding camps. Nearby American teens were put in the camps and were given instructions on how to deal with the boys. There's something a bit different about one of these towns though. Middlebury, a small town that has more streetlamps than it does people, more-so now that the town was evacuated has a small difference. The teens in charge call themselves "Masquerades". Most of the Masquerades abuse their power and abuse the boys sent into Middlebury. There are no girls in Middlebury, the town next door hosts the female teens. However there are a couple of Masquerades who don't think these teens are "evil", and they do try to help them out as much as they can.

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