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He stared at me for a moment longer before huffing, "Do you know what could be affecting the bond?"

I deadpanned at him, "There's nothing affecting the bond; there just isn't one."

He growled, his eyes glowing softly. The light shined onto my face. "Listen, this is last time I say this: I will not allow you to disrespect this, our, bond. Do you understand?"

"I'm confused," I whispered. The anger from his face vanished as he carefully listened to my next words. "If we don't have a bond, how can I disrespect it?"

He roared at me, snarling as his eyes once again was filled with frustration.

The King was about to say something, but a weaker voice interjected before he could speak.

"Your Majesty," his voice was barley above a whisper, "what seems to be the problem?"

The King turned his attention over, and I turned my head to glance at the man who spoke. My eyes widen at him — there was absolutely no way this man was a beast. He was human, much like me.

He had less muscle mass, and was clearly terrified of the man standing before him. Although there was bags under his eyes, his hair was well-kept and didn't seem as skinny as I was.

He was by far the healthiest human I've seen in a long time.

"Something is wrong with our bond," the King spoke with a hard voice, and the man standing before us flinched.

The human man nodded, carefully taking steps towards me like a wounded animal. "Of course my King, may I?"

The King stared for a long moment before nodding his head.

The man's hands were rough when he gently grabbed my arm, leading me into the room he came from. "You may stay if you like, Your Majesty, but I feel like... like it might be best if you give your mate some privacy," he explained, his whole body shaking with fear.

The King bared his teeth before sighing, "Very well." He stared at me for a moment, watching and waiting for something. He quickly turned around, walking away without another word.

"Come inside, my Queen," he guided me towards the room.

I grind my teeth against each other, entering the room. Although I may have been called Queen in my home town, I wasn't theirs.

I glanced around the room, noticing equipment I haven't seen since I was a child. Once the beasts took over, medicine and medical equipment was hard to come by.

We couldn't even treat the wounds they gave us.

"I'm going to start off with a classic check-up, my Queen," he motioned me to sit on the hospital bed. I watched him move equipment around the room, bringing it closer to me. He carefully wrapped something around my arm, and when he turned it on, it started to fill up with air. He quickly move to put something on my finger before he moved to his next task.

"You're as healthy as you can be, given your environment," the mumbled, writing things on the sheet of paper on his clip board. "My Queen, do you have any idea of what could be causing harm to your bond?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I don't have a bond with that monster."

He sighed, "I've never seen a beast lie about who their mate is."

"You've never seen me lie," I commented back.

"My Queen," he began, "I would never accuse you of lying. I believe you are in disbelief or denial — many human mates go through this process."

He moved a chair over, continuing to do his work as he spoke to me. "I understand that this is a culture shock, my Queen, but it isn't the end of the world. The King can make you very happy, and you can make the King happy."

Underneath his shirt, I spotted a bite mark against his flesh.

I scoffed underneath my breath. No unmated human would live with the King — of course he would be mated. He lost to the bond.

I would rather kill myself then become what he has.

He went across the room once again, picking up a needle. He turned around, catching me staring at him. "I'm going to have to take a blood test," he explained, coming closer to me.

I shook my head, "I rather not." I got up from my seat, staring at the needle in hesitation.

He took a deep breath, "My Queen, I need to. The needle won't be in your arm for very long."

The needle? Foolish. I wasn't scared of a small needle.

"This is all a waste of time," I said before leaving the room. I quickly moved before he could react, slamming the door behind me.

I pushed off the ground, moving through the hallway before anyone came to chase me. Usually, I wouldn't be worried about escaping; back at home, I knew ever trick and short cut, but here, I wasn't familiar with my surroundings.

Another disadvantage.

"Is the pathetic human lost?"

"Is your cousin-in-law dead?"

I turn my head, smirking at the woman in front of me. I faced her, cocking my head to the side. She seemed surprised by my confidence, but she's forgetting why I was here.

"I would leave me alone if you don't want to end up like those victims," I commented, walking closer to her without any regrets.

She bared her teeth, "Are you threatening me?"

Footsteps started to echo through the hallway.

"You seem scared," I taunted her, getting right up into her face. "You don't scare me, but I know you're terrified of what I did, of what I can still do."

Tonight would be the time to strike. I walked closer to the town's square, where most humans tried to avoid — I avoid it too, but not tonight.

The street's lights flickered, it's light barley lighting the ground below it.  I could barley see, but I wasn't scared.

Not tonight, and never again.

"Look what we have here?" The voice sent chills down my spin, but I didn't glance behind me. 

I lied. I was scared. I'm scared of failing. This, this was my father's dying wish.

I couldn't fail.

I took a deep breath, and I faced my destiny.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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